Sacrifice Chapter 2

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The next morning, Lukas was somehow the first one to wake up, he was always a morning person. He stretched and popped his back in a few places making him cringe. He had no doubt in his mind that came from all the mining yesterday, but thanks to Jesse he didn't have to go back. Thinking of Jesse he looked to his left to see her fast asleep.

Flashes of yesterday flashed before his eyes as he started to blush beet root red.
"That wasn't a dream...was it?" He whispered to himself, then shook his head.
"No way it was, I'd never be able to imagine something like that." Other competitors started waking up and walking out.

"Where are you guys going?" Lukas asked.
"Headed to get breakfast, dude." Nell answered with no hesitation as she walked outside. Breakfast, huh? His stomach growled, he definitely needed something to eat.

He looked to Jesse once more, he stood up and walked over to her bed, and knelt down next to it. Lukas isn't skilled in waking people up, everytime he tried they'd wake up and get angry at him. But he had to take the chance, Jesse was going to need breakfast. He started with a little tap on her arm.

"Psst Jesse?" He started, no response so he tapped her cheek.
"Hey, wake up sleepy head~" he added a sing song tone. She let out a tiny grumble. Making him smile, but he wanted her awake, so gave her a tiny shake.
"There's food out there for you." He insisted. Her eyes opened for a second then closed again. Close one but not close enough.

He put his hand on her forehead. No fever, good. Then moved his hand down to hers and strokes it.
"Wakey Wakey~" he kissed her cheek. Jesse opened her eyes again, this time they stayed open, she looked around the room before landing her gaze on Lukas' face, it took her a moment to realize. But then she started blushing like crazy.
"L-Lukas?" She questioned.
"Yep, hello." He answered, waving his free hand.
"How long did that take you?" She asked.
"About 3 minutes."
"That's a new record."
"Wha?" He chuckled.
"It takes Olivia 20 minutes to wake me up."
"Heavy sleeper, huh?"
"Nah, just procrastinating waking up." She giggles as she sits up.
They hear a yawn to the right of them.

"Good morning..." Petra greeted groggily, rubbing her eyes.
"Morning Petra!" Jesse greeted back. Suddenly she remembered something.
"Oh right I should give this back." She untied Petra's bandanna from her arm and holds it out to her with a smile.

"Here Petra, my wounds vanished with that regeneration potion, so you can have this back,'s covered in blood" Petra stared at it for a moment, and looked to where Jesse's wound was, ripped, but no scar was shown. Petra then gave a hearty grin and took the bandanna back.

"No problem Jesse, the blood will wash out, but if it doesn't, it'll just show proof I'm a good friend!" She said with a chuckle as she put it in her pocket for later.
"Ugh...I'm hungryyyy" Ivor said from the far right, as he sits up from bed."
"There's breakfast outside." Lukas informs
"Let's go eat then,before it's all gone." Jesse says as she gets out of bed and heads for the door, untying the bandage around her waist in the process, putting it in her inventory.

They reach the table area and see the competitors in line for mushroom stew.
"Mushroom stew, huh?" Ivor questions.
"That's not so bad, it fills you up quite fast." Jesse adds, as she walks up and gets in line, the others following close behind. They get their bowls and sit at the same table with Nell, who was sitting alone.

"Hey Nell!" Jesse greets. "Do you mind if we sit with you?"
"No, not at all, brah!" Nell replies as she scoots over to make room for Jesse.
Petra is skeptical for a moment but sits down anyway. Nell notices this and frowns.
"Before we say anything else I wanna say I'm so sorry for taking you out, dude." She says to Petra. Petra was surprised for a moment then looks to Lukas, who is smiling. Petra takes that as Nell being a good person, Petra smiles back.
"Apology accepted, I appreciate you doing that, my name is Petra if you haven't heard it yet." Petra replies with a smile.

Sacrifice: A Lukesse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now