Uh-Oh (A Prodigy Love Story) - Starring You

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{Yn’s POV}

“Come on Yn! The moving truck is here!” my mom called from downstairs.

“I’m coming!” I called back to my mom.

I picked up my bag from off the floor and took one last look at my room. On my wall, there was a note my dad wrote when I was born. It said “Memories were made in this house, 1978” and then it ended. So I grabbed a pen out of my bag and wrote “-1993” to finish the sentence. My mom called me one last time and I turned off the light, walked out the room, closed the door, and then I went outside to my mom.

“Ready to go?” my mom asked. “Yeah” I replied while taking a look at the house.

I walked over to the car and dropped my bag into the trunk. After I closed the trunk, I took one last look at the house. “Memories were made in this house, 1978-1993” I said to myself. I then walked to the passenger seat door, opened the door and sat in the car. I buckled my seatbelt and then looked at my mom.

“Okay, you didn’t forget anything?” my mom asked. “No” I replied. “Okay, let’s go” my mom said while starting the car.

I gave her a fake smile, and then looked outside the window, up at the early morning sky. It was still dark out and I looked at the stars above the roof of my house. When the car started to move, I tried to look at the house as much as I could, but once we got to the end of the street, I could only see our mail box. I looked away and looked at my mom.

“You’ll be okay. I think you’re going to love New York” my mom said while grabbing my hand.

I gave her another fake smile and took my hand away from hers. She gave me a slight frown, and then continued to drive. I grabbed my walk man from the back seat and put it on. As I listened to my music, I began to fall asleep.


My mom tapped my shoulder and my eyes fluttered open. I then looked at her with a questioned look on my face.

“We’re here” my mom said in a joyful voice.

I looked out the window and we were passing by a bunch of building. There were a lot of lights. After a little bit more of driving, the bright lights faded away. I took out a book and read it until we got to our new house. When we pulled up to the house, it was a house that was a light shade of peach.

“Okay, now we’re here” my mom said while she laughed a bit.

I gave her a small smile and then unbuckled my seatbelt. I looked up to see Bill, my step-father, standing on the drive way. My mom got out of the car and gave Bill a hug. I got out the car and walked up to Bill.

“Hi Yn” Bill said, opening his arms up for a hug.

“Hello” I said, sticking out my hand.

He soon realized that I wasn’t going to hug him, so he just shook my hand.  My mom went inside, to put her bags away. I went to the trunk and grabbed my bags.

“Do you need any help?” Bill asked.

“Um...” I said while looking at my bags “Could you please take my suitcase and backpack to my room?”

“Sure” Bill said while grabbing my bags.

I went back to the trunk and grabbed a box that said “Yn’s stuff”. I quickly put the bag on the ground and close the trunk. I picked up the box and then went inside. Before I went inside, I looked at the street, to see what it was like. Across the street were 4 boys playing basketball. They had 3 girls with them; one of them was Allison, my step-sister. She was older than me by a few months. She looked at me and gave me a small smile; I gave her a smile back, and then walked inside.

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