I'm told to kill myself
He told me he would be lost without me
I'm forced to wear make-up to cover the bruises, they still call me ugly
He said I'm always beautiful no matter what
I cut myself
He made me promise never to do it again
I'm called fat and I try to starve myself
He refuses to eat till I do
I'm beaten almost everyday
He said he won't let anyone hurt me ever again
I think about taking my last breath
He takes my breath away
I'm filled with an endless darkness
He's the light in my world
I'm terrified of someone looking at me
When I'm with him that's all I'm focused on
They say I'm a slut and I'm worthless
We've been dating almost six months and he makes me feel special every second
When I'm around him all of my depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts don't matter
He consumes my thoughts, breaths, and heart
For once in my life I see the beauty of light and not just the darkness
He is the swirling of poetic thoughts, the pulse in my still coursing veins, and the grace in my movement
He is my everything
Which I desperately hold on to, so I don't slip into the bottomless obis