chapter 1

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Ellie's POV:

"The new house is lovely I promise, you will love it!" my mom looks back in the rearview mirror, giving me a small smile.

"Bet it would be better if Dad was moving with us." I mumbled to myself putting my headphones in and looking out the window.

I give out a small yeek when my mom slams on the brakes. "What's wrong with you. Have you gone absolutely mental?!" I yell at her rubbing my forehead where it hit the seat.

"Elizabeth! You are not going to talk to me like that, I am tired of you acting like you hate the world. You've been acting like this since the divorce, and honestly I'm completely over it!" her face is now a dark red and her knuckles white from gripping the wheel.

My brother looks back at me from the front seat, giving me a small look of disapproval.

"do you see Tony or Eian acting like the world has come to an absolute end! It huts Ellie that you can't be happy for me." my mother looks back at me again.

"okay, whatever I'm sorry for upsetting you." I put back in my music.


When we arrive to the house it is bigger than I expected for it to be. I guess Dan's income is more than I thought. The two storied house is an off balanced white with large windows in the front.

My little brother runs past me, and into the house. "Are home is lovely isn't it?" my mom lays her hand on my shoulder. "it over looks the ocean and we have a small part on the beach the belongs to just are family."

the fact that she kept using the word "home" and "family" really pissed me off because I would rather be in our small home with dad back in Washington, than be here with Dan and people I don't know.

"yeah, its cool." I shrug "I'll start carrying some boxes in." I turn towards the car.

"You haven't even explored the new house yet! come on Ellie, we can do that later."

"I'm tired and just want to unpack." I say with sarcastic motivation.

My mom pulls her brunette hair back and let's out a sigh then walking towards the door. I take out my phone and call Josh. My boyfriend of 2 years.

"hey." his voice sounds from the other end. "How's the big city going?"

"Great" I roll my eyes " you should see the house its massive, we own like a small spot on the beach I guess." I laugh

"damn. I guess Cali will be good to you. I miss you."

"I miss you too, but just think... in 3 weeks I get to fly back to Seattle and visit you"

"three weeks is a long time. You could meet someone new." he sheepily says

"Ellie!" my brother yells for me

" josh I have to go, okay? love you bye." I hang up

"yes Eian?" I groan



a/n :Hi, I just want you too know that, I'm sorry if the first like 3 chapters suck lol... I promise i t will get better :)

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