Chapter 3: Que Sera, Sera

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The Scars We Hide

Copyright 2012

 Dedicated to: ExLxFpd :) 

Chapter 3: Que Sera, Sera

“Alright guys, we've accomplished a lot and you've all worked so hard for this charity ball, now we have to add some final touches, we have two weeks left to go! However this meeting is about our dress code for the event” Kodak smiled brightly. She could feel how tense everyone was because she mentioned dress code. Since it was Friday and everyone had been working so hard, she decided to have an easy and relax meeting, plus she came up with this idea last night and it seemed like a fun idea. She took out a paper and a baseball cap full of small folded pieces of paper, her team looked at her curiously waiting for her to explain.

“Okay everyone, this paper is colours which represent a cancer awareness. We are going to pull a tag from this cap and this is what colour our clothing must have” she told them excitedly.

“Wait we still get to wear dresses right?” asked a girl. Kodak nodded “Yeah! Why not? So are you all okay with this?”

Her team agreed and as the cap was passed along people wrote their name beside the colour they got.

White: Lung Cancer-Arron

Yellow: Bone Cancer-Maryam

Blue: Colon Cancer-Erin

Light/Sky Blue: Prostate Cancer-Ryan

Purple/Lavender: Cancer in general-Tristan

Periwinkle: Stomach Cancer-Justin

Pink: Breast Cancer-Kodak

“Have a good weekend!” Kodak said standing up and ending the meeting. As she strode out of the meeting room she was stopped by Arron.

“That was a great idea Kodak” he told her. She smiled “Thanks” she muttered a bit embarrassed, as she walked alone into her office.

“I'd better call Kit and Summer, we have to go buy our dresses tomorrow” Kodak said aloud dreading the thought of having to go shopping.


The next morning bright and early Kodak woke up, well as bright and early as she was able to wake up. Opening her eyes she stretched and grabbed her cell phone, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she gasped when she saw the time. “10:30! I'm late!” she cried then rolled out of bed, running to the shower.

After a quick shower, she dried herself and threw on a blue t-shirt and jeans, slipping on her pumas she ran out of her apartment. She ran to the cafe where Summer worked on the weekends since it was only a ten minute walk.

'I wonder if I'll see Doctor. Connor there' she thought grinning, then shook her head furiously “Idiot!” she mumbled to herself.

“Sorry I'm late!” she cried running into the cafe, then bent down and put her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath.

“Hey Ko! How's the bruise?” Summer greeted the panting girl.

“I had some pain yesterday but I'm better” Kodak replied after catching her breath. As she stood up straight her stomach made a noise, blushing she clutched her abdomen she smile sheepishly. She from the corner of her eye she saw a familiar figure.

“Hungry?” Kit giggled.

Kodak rolled her eyes “You have no idea”

“Ready to go shopping?” Summer squealed, “I want a nice dress, or maybe I should get a sexy one, or maybe a flirty one or-”

“Calm down Summer” Kodak laughed. Summer pouted and crossed her arms over her chest

“How can I calm down? There is going to be hot rich guys!” she laughed, then stopped and clutched Kodak' arm “Oh my god!” she squealed and pointed to the window.

Kodak looked around “What? What's wrong?”

“It's Doctor. Connor! I can't believe he came back!” she said “Looks like you interested him Kodak” she shot Kodak a cheesy grin “He didn't come all week! And the day you come, voilà he's here!”

Kodak blushed “Summer” she sighed “What if he was busy all week? Don't put me and him in the same sentence”

Summer's eyes widened, she was about to rebut when Kale strolled in, Kodak watched him carefully. His hair was messy and it looked like he made no attempt to fix it, he was wearing dark slacks and light blue dress shirt, with a black tie that had thin silver stripes. He was dressed up messily and professionally she noted.

“Ah Good morning!” Summer greeted him.

He smiled slightly at her and replied 'Good morning' then frowned and sent an icy look at Kodak, who sent a glare back.

That damned woman had been plaguing his thoughts ever since he met her last week, this morning he had tried to convince himself that he was going back to the cafe around the same time she showed up last week, just because he liked the coffee....

Yeah that's right the coffee was awesome. Right, he would soon believe that pigs could do algebra before he admits that he wanted to see her.

Kale ordered a quick breakfast to go, he was running late, he looked around and kept glancing at his watch every five seconds. Kodak crossed her arms over her chest and raised a delicate eyebrow, “Something the matter?” she asked. Her mood had turned sour when he first walked in and glared at her, the bastard, what had she done?

He sighed harshly running a hair through his chocolate brown hair “No” he muttered pushing his hands in his pockets to make it seem like he was cool and all, but to Kodak it sounded like he was sulking.

“Are you sure?” she asked nonchalantly, trying to hide her smirk as she watched as annoyance crawled onto his face.

“Yes” he snapped. Kodak busted out laughing, his face went from outraged to confused to annoyed “What?” he asked sharply, trying to sound menacing.

“Oh nothing” her grin faltered as she continued to giggle. Kale glared at her, not knowing where this sudden confidence came from, Kodak walked up to him “You know” she drawled in a low voice while eyeing him with half lidded-eyes.

Kale froze, and sucked in a breath when he saw her reach for his tie. Kodak tried to keep a straight face when she saw lust cloud his electric blue eyes “You're tie is not tied right” she laughed, loosening his tie and re-tying it. Sensually she pulled back smoothing out his dress shirt and smiled “There, all better!” and with that she turned to walk away. Instantly Kale's mind cleared and he grabbed onto her wrist stilling her, a spark ran through her body. He was about to say something when Summer walked in with his breakfast “Here you are!”



“No way! That one's horrible!”

“Do I even need to say anything?”




Kodak rested her head on her hand a bored looked on her face. Why couldn't her friends shop like her? She walked into the store and picked out the first dress she loved paid for it then was now stuck sitting on one of those plush “Husband/Boyfriend Chairs” waiting for her friends to pick a dress.

Kodak almost laughed when she remember how she had to race a desperate husband for this chair, the dude had plead and even offered to pay her just so he could have the seat.

Sighing she thought back to her encounter with the sexy Kale Connor, the palms of her hands tingled at the memory of the feeling of his hard chest, when she smoothed out his dress shirt, or the smell of his intoxicating cologne.

“How about this one?” Summer asked walking out in a pretty sleeveless lilac empire waist gown. Kodak gaped “That's the one!” she gushed “Defiantly get that one!”

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Sorry this was a short chapter! the next one will be longer, promise! :)

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