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  I woke up feeling better but still terrified. I checked my phone. "Monday. 5:00" I said with a tone of hatred. I was surprised I slept all of Sunday. My body ached from sleeping on the floor. I stood up but fell back to my knees. My back felt awful. It felt like a horse stood on it. I got up again, but this time slowly. I went up to my room and pulled out some clothes. A black T-shirt that had Asking Alexandria on the front, some black skinny jeans, and boxers.

   I stepped into the shower, feeling the cold water run down my body. I looked at myself as it flowed along me. I looked pathetic. For an 18 year old, I had no muscle. I was mainly bones, with some meat. I stepped out of the shower after an hour or so. I looked in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy. My normal appearance was quiet odd from everyone else. I had layered semi long black hair with a few blue streaks. I had snakebites and I wore makeup.

  I dried myself and straighted my hair. I quickly put my clothes on and walked out of the bathroom. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal before grabbing my hoodie and leaving. I made sure to lock my front door after what happened last night. I made my way down to my car. I normally walk to school but last night made me feel uneasy. I turned my car on and pulled out towards the high school.

  I opened the front doors to the school and walked in. God, I hate these people. As I sat at an empty table, I questioned whether or not to tell Maria about last night. I put my head on the table, and not even a minute passed by before someone tapped my shoulder.

  I looked up to see a guy. "Umm hi, I'm Akki. I'm new here. Mind if I sit here?" He was cute. He had semi long hair that was black but had a blue tint to it. He was wearing a plain black hoodie with skinny jeans. I felt like I met him before but I couldn't but my finger on it. "Umm, hello?" He said sounding a bit annoyed. "Oh, umm yeah go ahead." I said scooting to the edge so he had room. His voice sounded so familiar, it was clawing at my brain. "So, what's your name?" He asked with a smile. "I'm Vincent." I felt like I sounded awkward. Then again I was, no one really said anything to me, aside from bullies and Maria.

  We sat there for about 5 minutes before we heard someone call him. "Hey! New kid! Leave the freak alone and hang with us." I heard that all to familiar voice yell. "Jason." I said through clenched teeth. I guess Akki noticed something was wrong because he ignored Jason. "You should go, before he tries something." I said clenching my fist. He looked over at Jason who waved him over. I looked up to see Akki flip Jason off. Of all people he flipped Jason off. "You shouldn't have done that new kid!" I heard him call out.

  I looked up just a bit to see Jason hovering above us. "I know you're new and all but everyone listens to me. I run the school. So when I call you, you better come. So now come on." He said through clenched. I watched Akki's movements, making sure he didn't do anything stupid. He stood up and just stared at Jason. "I will not listen to you." He said with a calm that scared me a bit. "Hey freak!" I flinched as Jason grabbed a hold of my hair and pulled me up. "Since your friend is so arrogant, you get to pay the price." He said as he threw a punch, making contact with my face. My whole face went numb. I could feel Jason's fist getting ready to make contact so I closed my eyes. I opened them when I didn't feel anything. I saw Akki holding Jason's fist back. "Don't hurt him, he's valuable to me."

  My head was overcome by a new numb. Its him! The guy in my house! I knew he seemed familiar! I panicked a bit as I watched him tear Jason away from me. He kicked and stomped on the former varsity football player. I was in shock. I got up and ran. I saw Akki look at me and then at Jason with hatred. I ran to my car and drove home.

  That night I held a knife to my chest as I sat in the living room. I was almost asleep when I heard my bedroom door open upstairs.

In Love With A Psychopath (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now