The most baddest woman was born

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It all stared when my mom started smoking and drinking. She was only 12 and she was doing all these bad things. She decided to rape a hobo then she gave birth as soon as she finished. Then Debra was born (aka me the most baddest girl alive) . My life growing up was rough. I️ didn't now who my dad was and my mom kicked me out the house when I️ was 5. Ever since that day I️ disliked my mother and that's why I️ never bring her up. I️ had to find my own house. But that didn't end up going well. For some reason no one wanted to rent a house to a 5 year old, like come on I️ was the cutest kid ever. So I️ had to live in a alley where I️ had to rent a garbage bin to live. It was a good deal it was only 10 cents. The only bad thing about it was that it only had a bedroom and it stunk. Eventually I️ got used to the smell, and if we wanted to take a shower we will have to go to the Sewers. But a couple of days later I️ met this sugar daddy named Mickey Mouse. He told me he was famous on his very own show! But in order for me to live with him I️ had to have sex with him. I️ refused, so I️ ran off. When I was walking to my alley way I️ got kidnapped. Once I woke up I️ was getting raped by 200 men. A couple months later my son was born and I️ was only 5.

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