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Dear Ate Seeyara,

                Hi there! I am writing this in order to express how I look up to you as a writer. From all your works, the very first story I’ve read was 100 Days for Her Happiness. My cousin actually suggested it to me and I gave it a try. As I read the first chapter, I was already hooked by the story. I thought it was another cliché story but as I was down to the middle part, I was proven wrong, especially when I read the last part. Although the ending was some kind of ‘not my type’ yet I came to love it. The characters, the lines, the transition of the story from one situation to another, the lesson—everything is really well-crafted and I salute you for that.

                Every night I had to sleep late just to finish a chapter or two. The next morning I always wake up with heavy eye bags. Whenever I had spare time, I’d check out my phone and read the continuation of the last chapter I’ve read. When I read the story, it also felt like I was watching movies where I had undergone catharsis. When they cry, I also cry. When they’re sad, I’m also sad. If they’re mad, I am mad. If they’re happy, I am happy too.

                After reading 100 Days for her Happiness, I googled the author of the story and that’s where I found you. I followed you here at Wattpad. I checked out your other stories and they too are wonderful. I also added you in Facebook. The moment you accepted my friend request, I was really in total bliss. I can’t absorb the fact that one of my favorite authors accepted my FR. I wrote something in your wall and you responded. I even had a snapshot of it and shared on my timeline how happy I was when you left a comment in there.

                Though we don’t know each other personally, I believe that you’re a good person. You’re so talented in writing and I do hope that you’ll write more stories.  I am one of the gazillion supporters you have.  Thanks a lot for inspiring your readers. Godbless you always! Be inspired! I love you Ate Seeyara!

LETTER TO MY FAVORITE WRITERSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon