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Ariana POV
6 months have passed since I found out I was pregnant, I spend half my days in bed not wanting to more but I knew I had to because I had to keep strong for the baby and eat. 3 months and this baby will be out of me and into the world. 3 months. I refused to find out the gender last week I wanted to find out when I give birth. I was praying that Malcom would be able to be there. I know he will have to leave a few days later but I don't want to go through Labour with out him by my side.

In fact it's 3 months today I'm Due but most people either give birth before or slightly after, not many people actually give birth on their due date. That was a problem because if it on the 23rd of February I know Malcom's is home Evans's that's my due date and then I can relax because I know he'll be here for the birth but any earlier I'm not sure if he will make it. I know he will be so gutted if he doesn't make it.

All I wanted to do today was sit on the couch and do fuck all but that's not my my mum wanted to do, she was bringing in loads of baby stuff in. I groan and stand up and help her. I know she was trying to help but I really couldn't be bothered today. I help her put them in the room and decorate around them and place them in the right spaces.

"How are you doing hunny" she asks as we sit down on the couch "I'm doing fine apart from this little monster keeps kicking" I say and she chuckle "I loved it when you and Frankie kicked me because I knew that you were alright then" she says and I laugh "you said I was a devil child" I say and she nods "you were always into Halloween you were" she says and I smile.

I actually remember my childhood and being so into Halloween. The house was decorated so good it was unbelievable.

Malcom's PoV
Sitting at the desk but I had a little photo of the baby on my desk and it made me smile 3 more months and I can see Ariana and our little new born will be arrived into the world. 3 months and I find out a boy or a girl.

I wish to be there for her giving birth, I have to say before her due date and a few days after she's given birth but she can give birth before or after her due date and that make me nervous. My boss did say that I can have my phone 5 weeks before her due date just Incase which I am quiet glad about.

"MEETING IN 5" the boss shouts and we all nod and get bs knot work until it was time for the meeting.

The meeting dragged the boss was one about adding another year and my heart literally broke, he said he would think about it. 5 years could turn to 6 and that's not something I want. We been working so hard lately to get finished early so we could go home to our loved ones but now he's thinking about adding another year.

He really was the worst boss but I had to keep in his good side so that I can be home for the birth of my child. If I actually missed the birth of my child I would never forgive myself.

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