Our Celestial Love Story

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+ Chapter 01 +

"Please Mr Anderson, we know this is hard, just start from the beginning." The police officer encourages, only making me scoff at him.

The beginning - the good old days when I was a normal person. When I didn't have half as many problems as I do now.

"You know my name sir, but I don't know yours. Enlighten me, won't you?" I say, raising an eyebrow.

He looks me over, probably trying to see if I'm joking around or not. I don't know why - it's a genuine question.

"Well my name's Michael Davis, I'd appreciate it if you called me Mr Davis, as I call you Mr Anderson." he smiles at me, one of them toothy grins.

The kind where someone wants you to trust them, even when you probably shouldn't.

"Davis." I repeat - I know that name. Then it hits me - Mike, my once enemy that became a companion.

"Were you related to-"

"Mike was my son." he interrupts me, I become frustrated, and sad.

"Oh." I say, hanging my head letting my thick black hair fall into my eyes.

"Now, Mr Anderson, please - from the beginning." I sigh, maybe it is best if I just tell him.

"The beginning, okay. Well, Mr Davis, would you prefer me to start the day before the crash, or the morning it happened?" I ask, ready to delve into my story to one of my previous best friends' father.

"The day before, just so I get a good idea of how your normal day and night went."

I nod, "Well, I guess I'll tell you."

Mike Davis nudged my shoulder harshly, making me drop all of my books.

"Nice haircut." he snickered making his friends laugh, I hadn't actually gotten a haircut, he was just an airhead.

"Nothing exciting happened during the day Mr Davis, but the bus ride was interesting, would you like me to tell to about that?" I ask, a hint of suspicion lies in Mr Davis' blue eyes but I say nothing of it.

"Yes, don't leave out a detail."

The chairs were all rusted and the fabric was torn, they creaked every time someone sat on them and it wouldn't be long before they broke.

The bus rattled as Mike and his three friends stepped on, all looking for a place to sit. Isaac and Kyle sat together and Chase sat with some girl. Mike stood alone, his beedy green eyes looking everyone over.

They eventually landed on mine and his lips curled up into a smirk as he walked towards me.

Throughout most of the ride, Mike paraded around and didn't sit down next to me once, he mostly just threw insults around at everyone.

We pulled up to my house and murmurs filled the bus.

I lived in the middle of nowhere, where neighbours were non-existent and I didn't have any friends.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mike go to jump on the seat, so naturally I hesitated waiting for it all to play out.

As he jumped there was a loud cracking sound followed by a ripping noise. Mike's legs had slammed through and his bottom lip quivered, I stepped off before he cried, I had already seen it once.

The bus drove away, the dust getting in my eyes. I turned towards my four room house and sighed, it wasn't what you'd call 'homey' at all.

It was a wooden shack, to put it nicely. Ferns grew over it, making it blend in with the shrubs surrounding it. With almost no flowers growing around it, it was the picture of overgrowth. It always looked wet, the wood did. The house had character, but I never really thought of it as a home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2014 ⏰

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