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I'm walking to my first period class which is English (in middle school 1st period is always 2 periods). I have all my morning thing I need, a.k.a my english, math, history, and Spanish binder, my math and english book, SSR book, and pencil case in hand carrying them all because we aren't allowed to carry around our backpacks from class to class unless your arm was broken. I arrive in my english class early (class starts at 8:10), I sit down in my seat and open my binder and grab a pencil out of my pencil case. The bell rings and at 8:15 we do the pledge of allegiance, then class begins. 9:38 comes and that means its time for me to head to math class. I grab my things and head to math, until I get called down to the office. Luckily my math class is right near the office, so I walk to the office and are greeted by one of the secretaries: "Hi how may I help you?" "Hi, yes I was called down here" "What's your name?" "Jessica" "Ah yes, the principal wants to talk to you" "Ok" "You can head back" "Ok, thank you." I heard back into the principal's office and sit down in one of the red leather seats. 1 minute later the principal walks in, and I place my items on the chair next to me. "Hello Jessica" he smiles at me. "Hi" "I bet your wondering why you got called down here?"nervously I say "Yeah"  "Well, I heard your a big fan of NASCAR" "Yes I am"  "That's why I called you down here" "Huh?" I  have a confused look on my face.

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