Chapter Seven:

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Chapter Seven:

[Third Person]

The sun beams into the room, shining on the two lovers wrapped in each other's arms. Normally Justin wouldn't be the first to wake up, but for some strange reason, he was this morning. As he opened his eyes, a smile stretched across his face, his heart beat quickening at the site of his love asleep in his arms. Where she belonged. He sighs in content, admiring her beautiful features. From her dark brown skin color, her perfect lips, her nose, the shape of her eyes, her soft long and thick hair. In his eyes, she was perfect. He rubbed her chubby cheeks that still had a few acne scars from her teen years, but were barely noticeable. He leaned in, pressing his forehead against hers, kissing it after a period of time.

"I love you." He whispers bringing her curvy body closer to him.

She stirs a little in her sleep, mumbling something he couldn't make out, but giggled at her cuteness. He kept admiring her, eventually using his thumb and index finger to run lines around her face, from her eyes, to her nose, then her lips. For some reason, he was obsessed with her nose. He loved to kiss it, or rub his against it. It was weird, but it was him. He gently taps the tip of her nose with his index finger, making it scrunch up just a little.

"Bruh... What are you doing?" She rasps, making him gasp at her sudden words.

"Oh shit. I thought you were asleep." He says, still in shock. Jasmine giggled at him, slowly opening her eyes.

"Morning..." He rasps kissing her lips.

"Good morning." She sighs.

"H-how do you feel?" He asks, nervous about her answer.

"Okay, I guess." She says raising up. "How about you?"

He looks down at the bed sheets, fiddling with his hands.

"I feel amazing." He admits looking back up at her to see a smile on her face.

"So... What does this mean?" She asks.

"It means... That you are mine..." He says kissing her hand. "And I am your." He runs his fingers through her hair, pushing her down to his face pressing their lips together for a kiss.

"How does that sound?" He asks as they part after a few minutes.

"T-that sounds... Great." She stammers, letting out a breath. He chuckles a little.

"What?" She asks.

"I can't believe I still make you nervous." He admits. She smirks, looking away from him.

"Well... Neither can I." She huffs. He grabs her hand, kissing the back of it.

"What time is it?" Justin asks.

"9:30 in the morning."

"Wow... I've never gotten up this early." He says.

"Is that a good thing?" She asks.

"Yeah. It's a good thing." He mumbles kissing her temple.

"We should probably get up and cleaned." Jasmine suggests.

"Hum..." He hums against her hair. "I don't wanna." He whines.

"Justin... C'mon." She urges.

"Ugh... Okay. But can we bathe together?"

"Uh..." She trails off.

"Pwease?" He pouts, showing his puppy dog eyes she couldn't resist.

"Fine..." She gives in, making Justin cheer like a little kid.

Soon, they were naked and in the bathtub, jasmine sitting between Justin legs as he wraps his arms safely around her body.

"I love this." Justin says fiddling with her hands.

"Being naked in a tub with me?" Jasmine teases.

"That... And being here with you." He chuckles kissing her neck.

"Mmm..." She moans as he continues to place kisses all over her neck and face. She slowly turns around, sitting on his lap. She presses her lips against his, kissing him passionately as she grinds her lower body against his erection.

"Oh baby..." He moans throwing his head back slightly, enjoying the friction between them as jasmine trails kisses down his neck.

"I love you." He moans kissing her lips again.

"I love you more." She rasps, as he enters her once again, making her gasp at the feel, her head falling back, a moan of ecstasy leaving her lips.

"Oh Justin..." He moans as he strokes her gently, their bodies moving in sync as they made slow passionate love in the warm water. In that moment nothing mattered. They stared in each other's eyes, their foreheads touching as the moan each other's names in bliss. This time when they came to their climaxes, they came together, Justin's cum shooting into her womb, making the moment even more sensual. Justin wraps his arms around her body, bringing her closer as they share a passionate kiss, his hands keeping her head still as he conquered her mouth, kissing as if his life depended on it.

"God I love you." He pants kissing her forehead.

"I love you more." She breathes.

They stay in the water for a few more minutes, climbing down from their highs.

"C'mon babe. Let's get out before we get wrinkled." Justin rasps sitting up to get out, Jasmine following behind him.He grabs a towel, wrapping them both up as they walk to the bed. Justin grabs his phone calling his body guard to bring him some clothes. After about thirty minutes, there was a knock at the door. Justin answers, retrieving his clothes. He gets dressed in sweats and a shirt, as Jasmine dressed in white shorts and a peach tank top.

"You wanna get something to eat?" Justin asks once he's dressed.

"Yeah I'm starved." Jasmine says checking her phone.

"C'mon." He says heading to the door.

As they walk into the diner that was in the hotel, hand in hand, they were met with their friends, who were already up, dressed and currently eating.

"Hey guys." Justin says.

"Hey... You two." Lyiah says with a smirk.

"So... I'm guessing you two have made up?" Danaka asks.

Jasmine and Justin glance at each other, smiling and blushing.

"Yeah... We did." Justin says wrapping an arm around her shoulder, kissing her cheek.

"Awe. Well that's great." Melia says.

"We're happy for you guys." Destini says.

"Thanks everybody." Jasmine says.

After a while, you guys head out to the mall, Justin's arms wrapping around your waist as you look through some clothes. They were so wrapped in their own world, they hadn't seen familiar faces watching them, tears evident in both their eyes.

"Justin, look who's here." Jasmine says. He turns around, finding the two faces as they walk around clearly not happy with each other.

"Well I'll be damned." Justin chuckles.

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