New Job

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Charlotte enjoying her day like no other until she gets a specific call from the court Lady to come to the palace and to talk seriously.

Charlotte : I don't you think I can take this torture any longer court Lady Vanessa

Court Lady : I know how bad it feels for to get all this pain and suffering but I know you can get through it

Charlotte : how sure are you cause I really want to tell the queen that I can't handle this any longer

Court Lady : you know the punishment for that right

Charlotte : no, what is it?

Court Lady : its a direct death penalty. So its either you continue with this job or die quickly and not for fill the bucket list dreams that you made

Charlotte : ah!!! Why does my life have to be hard.

Court Lady : don't worry about that now. Oh and prince Tramond is requesting you to be one of his workers/assistants

Charlotte : is he the one who punished me severely the other day?

Court Lady : yes

Charlotte : why does he need me all of a sudden and I thought he hates poor people?

Court Lady : his mind changes uncontrollably but he told me that he just wants to see you

Charlotte : but his rude and mean and especially has no respect

Court Lady : dear aren't you the same as well?

Charlotte : no I'm not

Court Lady : dear don't lie to me and you better accept your actions because if you don't, you'll receive harsh consequences

Charlotte : but.....

Court lady : just do it for your safety

Charlotte : okay

Prince enters the room to that the voices have died down

Prince enters the room to that the voices have died down

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(Outfit for the day)

Court Lady : good morning your Highness

Tramond : good morning. Is this the girl?

Court Lady : yes it is

Tramond : thank you, you may leave now cause I need to talk to her privately

Court Lady : as you wish your highness. ( leaves the room )

Charlotte : what do you want?

Tramond : wow, no hello or good morning?

Charlotte : fine, good morning Sir Tramond

Tramond : oh Sir, I actually like that, from now on you'll be calling me that

Charlotte : I heard that you want me to work for you

Tramond : yes that's correct

Charlotte : why do you want me to work for you?h

Tramond : I need a personal assistant to help me with my work and schedules and everything else a Prince needs help with, so that's why I chose you

Charlotte : I have a feeling there's more to this

Tramond : like what?

Charlotte : please don't do that face  and stop smiling with your eyes(angry & happy at the same time)

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Charlotte : please don't do that face and stop smiling with your eyes(angry & happy at the same time)

Tramond : what face I'm I making and I like smiling with my eyes, it suits me

Charlotte : please stop

Tramond : no

Charlotte : ah!!! You want me to get really angry at you, is that so?

Tramond : that's exactly what I want cause if you get mad and yell at me this happens

Tramond : that's exactly what I want cause if you get mad and yell at me this happens

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Charlotte : what's that?

Tramond : oh, this Is your blood that I got from the beating I declared on you

Charlotte : so what those this mean?

Tramond : it means if your always rude to me I'll tell the guards to beat you none stop and collect each pint of blood until nothing's left in body system leaving you die, so what's your choice?

Charlotte : in behalf of myself and my friends family, I decide to take the job offer

Tramond : it means that you have move from your trash house that you live in

Charlotte : fine I'll move

Tramond : and aren't you too young for this?

Charlotte : I'm only 17 years old, I can do anything impossible

Tramond : besides at this age your supposed to be married but I don't see any beauty in you so your worthless to u

Charlotte : ................. (Crying)

Tramond : are you crying?

Chatlotte : no I'm not, go away please?

Tramond : well I'm gonna say it again your not beautiful

Charlotte : I gotta go

Tramond : already

Charlotte : yes because I have other things to do but I promise to Here. So bye

Tramond: bye

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