Santi x Slenderman

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I was sitting on the couch in the mansion. Ben Drowned was on the floor laying on his back. Jeff the killer sat beside me and Eyeless Jack sat on the other couch. Jason the toymaker was in an arm chair. The weird thing was Jeff and Eyeless Jack were having a staring contest.

Aka: Eyeless Jack has no eyes and Jeff has no eyelids. Jason, Ben, and I were all looking at each other immensely. We were amused cause they haven't ended the contest. I then pulled out my knife from my hoodie pocket. Then, I put the bladed side on my finger balancing it (something Jeff taught me).

I threw the knife in the air, with Jason and Ben's eyes on me. It landed right on my palm, flat. I put my knife away. Then, Ben and Jason started to clap at my act getting Jeff and Eyeless Jack out of their "trance". Then Jeff was about to say something when the door of the mansion slammed open.

"What's up my dudes?" Caitlyn ran into the mansion. I ran up to Caitlyn and we had a huge hugging session. Masky, Toby, and Hoodie all came down stairs.

"Ugh save the time for later, Caitlyn." Corey said. He's even more sassy than Trenderman.

"I HEARD THAT!!!" Trenderman said as he appeared behind me. I nearly threw my knife at his face. Oh my I forgot he can read thoughts like Slenderman, "how did you forget?"

I covered my ears cause the static noises were horrific. I fell to the ground screaming. I was in agonizing pain.

"STOP DOING THAT IT HURTS JUST BECAUSE I CALLED YOU SASSY DOESN'T MEAN THAT'S A BAD THING. PLUS QUIT EASE DROPPING." I screamed at him and the static stopped. Toby came to help me off the floor.

"Well then aren't we all getting along." Jeff snickered. I went up to him. I was about to punch him in the gut but we heard a loud bang on the second floor in Slenderman's room.

Trenderman, Jason, Ben, Jeff, Eyeless Jack, Caitlyn, Corey, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, and I all stared at each other in startling realization. The horror struck us like a knife.

"Where's Santiago?" Ben said adrenaline kicking in. Everyone just stared at each other.

"I think he might be with Slenderman because remember he said they need to talk." Jeff said. We all just stared at each other. No no why? I ran up the stairs in fear Slenderman killed him.

"Hurry up let's go Santi might be dead already." I screamed and the gang followed. We went up to the door I tried to open the door but it's was locked, "It's locked."

"Allow me to do the honors." Jason said as his eyes glowed a emerald green and his hair turned gray. He first but his hand with his claws out. He tried to pick the lock, "Slenderman you're are so skillful. But it's not good enough."

Jason got the door unlocked and kicked it open. We all stared wide eyed at what we saw. Santi and Slenderman were "making out". They were on the floor so I guess it got heated. Well isn't this awkward.

"Oh! Slender get some." Jeff yelled and Slenderman just "stared" at him. Then he stared at all of us and got off of Santi. Slenderman stood up awkwardly and Santi was blushing.

"Yea, you guys really talked it out." Caitlin said sarcastically. Then, Eyeless Jack fell on the floor cracking up. I could say get a room but they did.

"Hey it wasn't very fun." Santi said teasing Slenderman.

"It better have been fun." Slenderman said teasing Santi back. I was just done and left to go back to the living room in disgust.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2018 ⏰

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