~Toshiro & Larcade~

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(A/N: Just another awsome AMV that I can't put up there🔝)

Toshiro Hitsugaya POV

I looked around the area around the roof I was sitting on in boredom. I sighed and then I flinched slightly when I heard a male voice say, "You're bored right?"

"Oh, hey Gin. Why do you ask?" I said while looking over at the ex-captain. He went and sat next to me, "I was just asking cause ya look bored and I'm bored as well. I wonder what other things we'll get to do in this world."

I nodded in agreement and then I looked straight ahead surprised when I saw a huge black with some blue colored Dragon flying in the air before landing on the ground a bit far away and was doing something. "What the fuck?!" I said in shock.

The Dragon turned to face me and let out a loud roar and I had to cover my ears and so did Gin. When it stopped the Dragon spread its wings out before taking flight once again.

But the thing I was confused about, was when it was flying away, but then it took a turn and started flying towards the castle, but more towards me. I pulled out Hyorinmaru, prepared to go Dragon versus Dragon on the Dragon.

When it was close to me, I was about to attack it, but something caught me off guard. The Dragon got surrounded by a cyan blue light and then it turned into a human male, before punching me with too much force and he made me go flying and slam into Gin.

"What the hell is so surprising to you about me?!" The male with long cyan blue hair with cyan blue markings and black with some blue clothing yelled at me. "We don't exactly have Dragons back where we come from unless you count zanpakutos." I yelled back at him.

The male stood up straight and said in a much calmer voice, "Look, if you've never heard of me since you're from a different world, my name is Acnologia and I'm a Chaos Dragon Slayer, which is the strongest type of Dragon Slayer there is out there. And by the term Dragon Slayer, you should already know what that means. Everyone refers to me as the Dragon King since I'm a very strong Dragon Slayer magic user."

"What is it with magic in this world? I want to go back to our world!" I complained while standing back up. The male who's name is Acnologia sweatdropped and said, "I would like to show you my abilities, but I'm not allowed to since this is my childhood friend's castle. And by childhood friend, I'm talking about the Immortal Zeref Dragneel that you two met."

Then he turned around to face away from us. "I'm going to leave you two here. See you guys around later." He said before jumping off the roof, but what surprised me was when a portal appeared and when he went through it, another portal appeared but in the sky and then he came back out but in his Dragon form.

"Well that was...different." I said in order to end the awkward quietness. "Yep." I heard Gin say in return. "So now what do we do?" He asked me in boredom.

I just shrugged cluelessly and started wondering what I could do and that's when it hit me. Everytime I see Larcade close or nearby Aizen, I don't know why but I somehow feel jealous and the need to have him near me.

Gin stood up and said, "Well I'm going to go talk to Aizen-taichou now. So see ya later I guess!"

I nodded and once he left, I looked down and there outside, I saw Larcade walking out the front castle doors, it seemed as if he were going to take a walk or something else. I started feeling my heart pounding against my chest once I saw him.

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