Bleh 2

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~°¬°~ how to start?~

Self note becuz i hate myself: dont touch/ delete

It was late at night she didnt know what to do. Boredom was consuming her. She took a deep breath and decided to play a song. She picked a song and was wonderkng if she shoukd let all the tears she held in out now. She decided not to since there is still one or two people in her home thag are awake. She didn't want then walking out to do something then see or hear her cry.

Once she knew they all were going to stay in their rooms she played a different song...well "meme". Tears slowly fell from her eyes, she felt like she was going to throw up but did her best to ignore it. She already talked to the one she cares most about. Normal when everyone stopped talking or roleplaying with her she woukd sleep. She didn't want to sleep, she wanted to stay awake and wanted help...she felt the cold air from the fan above her on her cheek as tears slide down one side. She downloaded an app she had before but deleted twice. Once she logs in to it she sees how nuch the app has changed. She wrote two post on how lonely and depressed she felt, and how she wanted to change her pronouns but felt it was wrong to. She bit her lip to silents her small cries. She thought to herself 'If and while im awake i shoukd start on homework..' She decided not to and enjoyed her crying...

She Justs Wants Someone
To Really
Love Her

She Justs Wants SomeoneTo Really Love Her

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Pov Change

She shot up from her bed, shaking and waking up from the scariest dream she ever had. She tried to find her mom, but like usual she wasn't there. Forcing her tears to stay at bay, she made it to her pregnant sister's room. After crying into her older sisters chest, she was given some comforting words.

She left back to her room, only because her sister needed as much rest as she could get. Walking back into her room, she laid down in her bed. She was still shaking, she was still in tears. She wanted someone to talk to badly. She opened her phone and found that had accidentally left a chat she shared with a friend open.

At first she started typing. Wanting a little comfort, but then deleted the text. She knew that even if she did try, her friend wasn't really the best at comforting her. She sighed closing the chat, looking at the one she shared with her boyfriend. She just looked at it, she read over the last message they sent to each other.

Feeling even worse, she sent an apology to him. She didn't tell him about the dream, because sadly, he wasn't good at comforting her either. She sighed, honestly more tears were freely rolling down her cheeks. She felt sick, she was about to put her phone down and just cry. Until she spotted a chat she shared with someone she cared about.

She had been confused with why she had said starter. The first thing that came to mind. Was that she said 'starter pack'. The tears started to subside when she opened the chat. Looking over their last message to each other. She looked shocked at her own message then giggled.

She corrected herself, a small smile on her face. Before she received a massage from her boyfriend. He was mad at her now, she sighed, looked it over then put her phone down. She smiled a little to herself, the person she cared about made her smile even without meaning to, she felt a little selfish actually.

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