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a lovely sunday morning when the whole family were dressed neatly, and classy. bird chirps happily as the wind blows, making them gasps in surprised when the bride walks in the church holding her favorite flowers, walking forwardly with a beautiful smile.

she didn't expect to be happy again, she found happiness in taeyong's side again. and now, it'd their wedding.

walking slowly facing the familiar faces as before, she smiled at them showing her perfect white pearl teeth. her heart was beating so fast seeing the familiar structure of a man's back making her heartache.

he looked at her, she still have this fave straight outta magazine still the girl that he loved back then and now she's walking on aisle meeting her soon to be husband.

jungkook knew that he finally moved on but from the moment that their eyes met his heart craves for her love again. they cheer for them while his hearts ached again seeing her holding his hand, smiling happily into their wedding.

the ceremony starts and the parents were touched by the words of taeyong's for eunbi while eunbi wiped her tears of joy.

her wedding was wonderful, and absolutely one of the happiest thing that ever happened into her life she thought but seeing jungkook cheering along her parents, holding a kid on his arms made her frown and yet smile in front of everyone.

"you may kiss the bride." the priest said and her lips brushes against taeyong's soft lips making him blush like a red tomato. "i love you." taeyong said and she replied with a smile plaster on her face.


3 years later

jungkook was with nayeon most of the time talking with the other business partners along the room it was kind of impressive when he got used to her attitude and slowly learn how to open his heart.

"daddy!" The kid cry, wiping her eyes removing the dust on it. jungkook quickly carried the child, giving her a warm comfort from his hug and kisses the tip of her nose. "what happened sweetie?" he asked the little girl.

the little girl shakes her head and planted a kiss on her father's forehead. jungkook and nayeon took their child into the day care center as the usual.

monday means the same food for the dinner same routine picking up her kid in the daycare in the afternoon, picking up her wife doing the usual things in the office, signing papers, reviewing reports, thinking a new strategy to capture everyones attention.

it was a tiring day for him, he was at his study room again looking at the old photo of him and eunbi smiling during the school festival. she's still the prettiest woman on earth until now.

remembering her marriage with taeyong her smiling showing her perfect white teeth makes his heart clench in pain. "its really over isn't it?" he whispered to himself, unknowingly a tear rolled down on his cheeks.

those precious dilemma memories with eunbi, it feels like a roller coaster ride to be exact ot was fun but everything has an end.

while on eunbi's side.

she finally made it back to korea with her husband with their matching hair colors that everyone is envy about. her life is perfect she got the money, the husband who's willing to give her everything even his life.

the two finally went back in korea spreading smiles, and love on everybody and now eunbi is currently working on her new flagship, and a few concept pop store working with taeyong.

"do you still love him?" taeyong suddenly ask out of the blue looking at her hazel eyes, she smiles and shakes her head into no. "i am married with you taeyong, don't worry to much you know how much i love you right?" she said with no lies.

she love taeyong so much, but sometimes she feels she's not enough giving the amount of love. taeyong smiled at her words those assurance are the only one that he needs so he can fall back asleep again. "sweet dream tae, i love you." eunbi said kissing his forehead.

eunbi was busy reading her emails, and looking at the time it was one twenty in the morning, she sighs going down the stairs biting her lips as some vivid memories flashes into her head

her first kiss stolen by jungkook. she ignore the thought of him holding an empty cold glass of bottle then filled with cold milk. "i am not used at this kind of timezone." she mutter.

"i am too." a familiar voice of the man she loved was heard once again.

looking at her back seeing a tall man, chestnut brown hair, pointed nose and a annoying rabbit teeth showing.

she saw him again, she never taught of hearing his voice again, her heart was pounding so fast meeting his gaze. a mixed of butterflies were on rage inside her stomach she was starstruck by his feature, he changed a lot while she's still the same old eunbi.

"daddy?" a kid said, tugging his shirt. "who is she?"

right he has a daughter.

"i'm your aunt eunbi." she smiles hiding the pain inside her chest, putting down the empty glass.


i'm finally back bitches,
and unfortunately i forgot my twt password
so go ahead and follow me here if you have some questions or want to he friends with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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