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A/N. Just a tiny warning, get ready for cheesiness in the beginning. 

Y/n- Your name

L/n- Last name

N/n- Nickname


 The crew memebers laughed and cheered about the arrival to Treasure Planet, and quickly made their way to the deck. You felt numb, not even registering the announcement, and you barely felt Morph slip out of your hands. Everything Silver told you and Jim was a lie. He didn't care about you, or Jim. He was a selfish, greedy cyborg that only wanted the treasure. He was just starting to become like a father. And to think you actually trusted him.

 "Y/n? Y/n." Jim shook you gently as he spoke.

 You looked at him with heartbroken eyes. "Silver...he, he..."

 Jim frowned, and gently placed a hand on your cheek for comfort. "I know. But we have to get out of here, and tell Delbert and the captain." 

 Softly, you nodded, and climbed out of the barrel with Jim following. Once you both were out, the two of you sprinted to the stairs. Just as you started climbing them, Silver appeared at the top, stopping you and Jim in your tracks.

 "Jimbo, N/n," Silver said with a surprised look, and glanced around. He stepped down the stairs, making you and Jim back up. "Playing games, are we?"

 Jim and you were backed up to a table.

 "Yeah," you said with an apprehensive look.

 "Yeah, we're playing games," Jim added with a glare.

 "Oh, I see. Well, I was never good at games. Always hated to lose," Silver said calmly, putting his hands behind his back. You could just hear the safety trigger of a pistol click off. You were sure now that Silver knew that you and Jim overheard the crew and him talking. 

 "Me, too!" Jim shouted. 

 He suddenly grabbed a pair of scissors from the table, and jabbed them into Silver's mechanical leg. Jim then grabbed your hand, and sprinted with you up the stairs. Jim directed you to Amelia's stateroom, and slammed the door just as Silver limped his way up the stairs.

 "Mr. Hawkins, Miss L/n, what is the meaning of this?" Amelia asked as Jim locked the door with Delbert already in the room.

 From outside the stateroom, you could hear the crew cheering and running around.

 "Uh, long story short: Silver and the crew are after the treasure, and are pirates," you quickly explained. 

 Amelia's face hardened, and she immediately went to work, opening her cabinet the map was kept in. "Pirates on my ship? I'll see they all hang." She grabbed a pistol from the cabinet, loaded it, and tossed it to Delbert. "Doctor, familiar with these?"

 Delbert fumbled with the firearm. "Oh, I've seen-well, I've read-" Delbert accidentally fired the pistol, the shot obliterating the globe next to Amelia. "Uh, no. No. No, I'm not."

 Amelia rolled her eyes after she took the map out of the locked chest. Morph fluttered up to the map, and examined it curiously. Suddenly, the door of the stateroom started to spark and glow orange. The cre-pirates, no doubt, were trying to get in.

 "Mr. Hawkins! Defend this with your life," the captain commanded, tossing the map at the said boy.

 Before the map reached Jim, Morph swooped in and took the map in his mouth.

 "Morph, no!" you shouted, reaching for the map but missed.

 "Morph! Give me that!" Jim yelled, grabbing the map and playing a small game of tug-of-war with Morph.

 Jim luckily won, and put the map in his pocket. There was no other way out, unless Amelia decided to jump out the window into endless space. Thankfully, she did not, and instead grabbed a musket from her cabinet, and fired a hole in the floor. The four of you jumped down, and made your way to the longboats from below the actual floor. Following the twisting and turning walkway, you could hear voices shouting from behind you. Amelia pulled Delbert up, and pulled a lever, making a door fall in between your group and the pirates.

 "To the longboats, quickly!" Amelia shouted as she sealed the door with her musket.

 Amelia, Delbert, Jim, and you made it to one of the boats, and started to get it ready for launch. Amelia opened the hatch from below so the boat could fall out of the ship. She then leaped into the boat, and readied her musket. Suddenly, Morph snatched the map out of Jim's pocket, and flew to the side with it.

 "Morph! No!" you and Jim yelled.

 The two of you leaped out of the boat towards Morph, trying to grab him and the map. The pirates came through the door, and started to shoot.

 "Chew on this, you pus-filled boils!" Amelia cried as she shot back at the pirates.

 Delbert fired his pistol, and managed to hit some hanging metal thing from above. The metal thing fell, and landed on the catwalk that the pirates were on. The walkway broke, and the pirates fell down through the bottom hatch, down a long way.

 "Did you actually aim for that?" Amelia questioned Delbert.

 "You know, actually, I did," Delbert replied.

 Amelia shoved Delbert down as another shot was fired at him from the other pirates. Silver pulled down the lever, closing the bottom hatch that was your escape. 

 "Oh, blast it," Amelia growled. "Doctor, when I say now, shoot out the forward cable. I'll take this one."

 Meanwhile, you and Jim were still chasing around Morph, trying to get the map. Silver suddenly jumped in front of Morph. 

 "Morph! Morphy, come here." He whistled, trying to get the said alien to go towards him.

 "Morph. Morph. Bring it here. Morph, come here," Jim said as you gently gestured  Morph to come your way.

 Morph looked very conflicted as he swiveled his attention back and forth between the two calling men. He couldn't take it, and dove into a pile of ropes. As Silver tried to make his way to the pile, he stumbled because of his broken mechanical leg. Even still, he made his way to the ropes, and almost got to them. You managed to grab the map before him, and give him a look of betrayal, before turning to the boat.

 Silver's eyes narrowed as he grabbed your leg, and pulled you down. 

 You yelped as you hit the floor. "Jim!"

 Jim immediately came to your aid, grabbing your arm, and pulled you up. You felt a tug at your waist, but you ignored it as you and Jim made your way to the boat. Just as the two of you climbed in, Amelia yelled, "Now!" and she and Delbert fired at the cables. They snapped, and the boat came falling down. The ship barely fell through the partially open hatch down to the planet below. 

 As the boat fell, Jim almost fell out. Quickly, you grabbed his arms, and pulled him back up. Amelia pulled the sails open, and started pushing buttons on the navigation panel. 

 "Parameters met. Hydraulics engaged," Amelia muttered, and the jet from the back of the boat propelled the boat forward. 

 It looked like you were going to make it, until Delbert shouted, "Captain! Laser ball at twelve o'clock!"

 Amelia didn't have enough time to steer the boat away, and the flaming ball hit the boat's sails head-on. With the sails out, and boat plummeted down to the planet. Amelia tried her best to keep the boat even as it sailed through the planet's trees, but it eventually smacked into a tree and the boat crashed into the ground with the four of you in it.

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