18- Romantic walks and talks

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The next day was a blur for Marinette. Nathalie had came to collect Adrien during their breakfast. Adrien was defiant at first, before deciding it was probably better to just listen.

Before he had left though, he had quickly added himself to Marinette's contacts.

Currently Marinette was laying on her bed in a daze as feelings and realisations overwhelmed her.

She had known Adrien was Chat Noir for some time now, but it felt like only now it seemed real. Wow.

Marinette's ears burned pink when she reminisced waking up beside Adrien. His hair was a mess, his eyes heavy with sleep.

"Morning, milady." He had grinned. Marinette had to hide her burning cheeks.

Marinette let out a soft giggle. Then soon she was laughing so hard tears escaped and she had to sit up and hold her stomach.

All the events that had happen in the past two months seemed so stupid. No wonder Adrien's first reaction was to laugh.

After she had calmed down, she relaxed down onto her bed and crossed her arms, resting her head on them. She smiled, thousands of butterflies fluttered in her stomach and the image of Adrien laughing replaying in her mind.


On Monday Alya had continuously begged Marinette to tell her what had happened. Marinette only showed a minute of defiance before giving in. She was bursting at the seems to tell her best friend everything.

"So, are yous together?" Alya  had asked as they settled into their class seats for roll call.

"What do you mean?" Marinette asked.

"You know, are yous partners? Dating?" Alya smirked.

Marinette eyes widened and she began to stutter over her words. Her index fingers awkwardly tapping against each other.

"No! Yes. I don't know! We didn't really talk about that."

"Talk about what?" Adrien in all his beauty and grace stood before Marinette, his hand resting on her desk. His eyes sparkled and his lips spread across his face, teeth on full show.

"Adrien!" Marinette squeaked, jumping in her seat.

"Agreste you better treat her well, or else you'll find my boot where the sun does not shine." Alya said bluntly.

Adrien just blinked at her for a moment, before chuckling.

"Don't worry, Césaire. I never plant to treat her like anything but the princess she is." Adrien grinned. Marinette just sat paralysed. Her whole face a dark shade of red.

Alya frowned and turned to Nino. He was listening in on the conversation, facing them in his seat.

"Why can't you smooth talk like that, Lahiffe." Alya furrowed her eye brows, giving the poor boy a disappointed look.

Nino panicked, desperate to impress his girl.
"Uh, Girl you must be an electrical signal because you are giving me arrhythmia!" Nino blurted.

Adrien, Alya and Marinette bursted into a fit of laughs.

"You're a big science nerd!" Adrien decided between laughs.

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