What if ?

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It all started about four weeks ago, I'm sitting in my office bored as hell staring blankly into my computer counting each individual white pixel on that goddamn screen. As I'm staring off in the space enjoying the peace and quiet in my own little world I start thinking to myself,  "How did I end up this way"

My life has boiled down on me sitting in this fucking cubicle for eight hours a day, eating and sleeping. I sure didn't grow up thinking
        "Boy I'd be living the rest of my life finding  accusations for some soul draining corporation"

I mean I make good money sure but I don't even feel like a human anymore, all my emotions have been drained. I have no kids, no girlfriend, no family that actually wants anything to do with me, I'm completely alone. I need some adventure in my life, some excitement.

Fuck! Anything is better than what I'm doing right now.

I was snapped out of thinking how pathetic my life was by my boss asking me whether I have finished this week's paperwork. I hadn't done it yet but lied and told him I did, he told me in this 'I'm superior to you' tone to have it by his table by tomorrow morning.

Yeah, I'll be right on that you self-centred prick. I finished the form I was working on and turned off my computer, it was 5pm signalling the end of another meaningless day.

I got home and started thinking about what I could do to make my life more fun, I went through the usual ideas of vacations, moving in a new city, maybe a new car but they all fell short. I needed something fucking crazy, I wanted to drop a bomb on my previous life and get some real shit started.

I started fucking around on the deep web going through all the illegal shit they had to offer, and then I saw an ad that said,

"Have a problem in your life ?
Hire one of our cleaners to take care of it          at Cthulhu's will"

Now my interest was piqued, I checked out their website and it was a site to hire a hitman. Then a thought popped up in my head,

What if I hired a hitman on myself?

It would be like a game of cat and mouse and the punishment for getting caught would be of course... death.

I was curious to see what their guidelines were and to what extent they would go to eliminate a target. So I emailed them saying I had a problem I wanted to get rid of.

Within three hours I get a response informing me all the details of the business and the ranges of prices it would cost me. I didn't respond right away allowing myself to think carefully about what I was getting myself into.

The more I thought about it the more excited I got, this was the ultimate adventure game, like a real-life video game. I would have someone that would spend night and day hunting me down and I would have to spend all of my time hunting them down.

The first person to find the other wins and the loser..... dies.

It was perfect.

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