Colouring Books

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They sat in silence as they ate their instant noodles, a silence that was indeed very awkward but neither of them knew why.

"So..." Yoongi spoke up, catching the younger's attention. "Who were you talking to?"

Jimin's eyes widened.

"Talking? When? I wasn't talking-" He babbled, pushing his pot of noodles aside.

Yoongi chuckled.

"Wow you're a terrible liar."

Jimin shifted uncomfortably in his chair as the elder raked his eyes over him with a smirk.

"Forget I said anything." And like that his smirk was gone, replaced with a serious look instead. "I have to head down to the station in an hour or so. So when I'm gone make yourself at home and do whatever you like."

Jimin watched carefully as Yoongi stood up, grabbing his empty pot and wandered over to the sink.

Jimin watched as Yoongi's hips subtly moved as he washed his fork, and various other dirty dishes by the sink. His movements very slight but went unnoticed by Jimin.


Jimin had never told Yoongi, but he had the biggest crush on him when he was in high school. Yoongi  had only moved into Jimin's small hometown for his new job as a policeman  when Jimin had gone underaged drinking with his other best friend Taehyung and the two had gotten very drunk.

One minute Jimin was having a great time with his friend and the next he was in the back of Yoongi's police car, Taehyung ended up leaving him to go have a one night stand with a cute guy.

He was so locked on alcohol that Yoongi was actually worried for him. And when they got to the station he stayed by the boy. Slightly worried that if he left him something would happen.

And what happened the day after? They met again as Jimin was being beaten up by his school bullies.

But to Jimin's luck, he developed feelings for the guy he stood no chance with.

He turned away from the sight in front of him as his face began to heat up.

"I might just watch a movie on Netflix or something." He mumbled quietly.

Yoongi turned around and leaned his body up against the counter as he watched Jimin.

"When was the last time we hung out?" He suddenly asked.

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed.

"Two months maybe?" And Yoongi sighed.

"Maybe-" he began, moving closer to  where Jimin was. "-If I'm not gone long we could watch a movie together. Catch up or something. How does that sound?"

And that's when Jimin felt it surfacing. 

the one thing he didn't want to happen. The thing he was ashamed of others seeing.

"Can we watch Disney?!" He blurted out, his voice going a few octaves higher as if to sound like a child.

By the look on Yoongi's obviously confused face, he could tell he had fucked up badly.

How does he get out of this one?

Jimins eyes widened in horror of what had happened and didn't speak. Neither of them did.

"S-sure." Yoongi stuttered, scratching the back of his neck at the awkwardness of the situation. 

Jimin  wanted to die.

"Well I better get going if I want to be back before twelve." his voice was quiet and his gaze stayed glued to the floor. Was it just him or was it hot in there?

Jimins eyes closed as his best friend made for his escape out f the kitchen and to his room.

"Fucking hell Jimin, what the hell was that?!" he whisper-yelled to himself.

He groaned in frustration at his careless actions before deciding to clean up instead.


Jimin hid in his room until he heard the front door open and close quietly. 

he tiptoed over to his door and peeked out just to make sure that Yoongi was gone before pulling out his favourite bright blue blanket and Billy and making his way into the living room.

He climbed up onto the dark brown sofa, mindlessly searching through channels in hopes of finding cartoons to watch.

when Adventure Time flashed on the screen he let out a small squeal of delight,  holding Billi closer in a tight hug as his eyes dissappear into small cresents.

Jimin didn't hate little space. He actually loved getting a break from having to act like an adult and do "adult" things. It was just more the fact that it came on him at inconvenient times. It would happen when he's out with friends or at work or even in the supermarket when hes shopping. Stress was his enemy, the worse his stress, the more childlike he would act. And now that he's living with Yoongi, it makes it even more stressful to try and be as normal as possible.

He had already messed up after only being with Yoongi for about a half an hour. How was he to cope with living with the guy?


Jimin's eyes slowly began to open his tired eyes slowly when the sound of the front door being unlocked woke him up. The small red clock read two in the morning.

It was when it dawned on him that the TV was on and he still had Billy cuddled up against him that he had to hurry and put it all away before Yoongi caught him.

Jimin really had no idea how Yoongi would react if he told him that he was a little. It was easy to tell Taehyung and Taehyung's older brother Soekjin because he knew he could trust them. but even after five years of being close to Yoongi he just wasnt really sure if he was as understanding.

As Jimin ran around like a mad man throwing his blanket and Billy into his room, the sound of the front door reminded him that he had left the TV on. 

as Finn, the human character in Adventure Time struggled to get over his fear of the ocean in the current episode that was on, Jimin struggled to find the remote.

"Jimin, are you awake?" Yoongi spoke quietly, closing the door behind him.

Panic struck Jimin as he continued his search for the remote.

It was when Yoongi's footsteps became louder that he had located it sitting deserted on the floor.

He dived for it, quickly turning it off before sprinting towards his room.

As soon as he made it inside, and was sure that Yoongi had not seen him he sighed in relief and collapsed onto his bed.

He'll just deal with Yoongi in the morning.



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