Chapter Seven: Travis.

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Travis's heartbeat drowned out every other noise. His pulse rushed. He felt blood flowing through his veins.
     People were fighting outside of the sleeping room. Someone unknown to him was sleeping across the room. The second his eyes landed on that someone, he felt a sudden craving. He didn't know what. His stomach growled, so he pushed himself quickly to his feet. He felt drawn towards the person lying on the floor, and his jaw tensed up. He had to remind himself that he needed food, not a friend.
     Travis stumbled to the door, shoving it open and walking out of the room. The fighting people were Zane and Aphmau. They were standing in the middle of the room, shouting at each other, while Aaron and another person Travis didn't know watched. Aaron and the unknown person were the only ones who noticed Travis, and they stared at him with a look of shock, but neither of them spoke. He staggered forward, moving around the two people fighting and heading towards the storage room. He heard gasps from Aphmau and Zane.
     "Travis!" Aphmau squeaked. Travis turned his head, feeling his jaw tensing again. "You're- you're awake! Or are you sleepwalking again? You're probably asleep. Let's go back to bed.." Aphmau approached him slowly, arms outstretched. He clenched his teeth, then threw her arm away when she tried to drag him back to the sleeping room. "Travis? What's wrong?"
     He looked over at Zane, who blinked at him with dull blue eyes. "Travis..."
     Travis turned away from both of them and kept walking to the storage room.
    "Oh, he's hungry," Aphmau said quietly, walking ahead of him to open the door and walk inside.
     "Uh, hello.." said the unknown person as he stared at Travis. Travis stopped and looked at him, rubbing his eyes with one hand. The person walked up to him cautiously. "My name is Garroth... I'm Zane's brother... and the person in there is Laurence..." He held his hand out to Travis.
     Slowly, Travis took his hand and shook it. He noticed how Garroth's shoulders relaxed.
     Suddenly, something took over.
     He jerked Garroth's hand towards him, pulling Garroth forward in the process. Now that he was closer, Travis kept a hold of his hand and tried to snap at his shoulder. Garroth yelled something.
     Someone hooked their arms under Travis's and yanked him backwards, forcing him to let go of Garroth's hand and stumble back. Garroth fell down to the floor, scrambling back until he hit a wall at the other side of the room. He was panting, and his face had gone pale.
     Travis struggled against whoever was holding him, turning his head to look at them. It was Aaron, and he had an expression full of shock. Travis's heartbeat roared in his ears.
     "What happened?!" Aphmau said, stepping out of the room with a can.
     "Travis attacked Garroth," Zane mumbled, his eyes even more dull than before.
     "Did he bite him?!"
    "He tried to."
     Aphmau crouched next to Garroth and began inspecting his arms and shoulders for bites. Aaron kept a tight grip around Travis's arms.
     Laurence poked his head out of the room, stared wide-eyed at the unfolding scene, and moved over to Garroth and staying well away from Travis.
     Zane backed against the wall, rubbing his face with his hands and mumbling a string of words that were mixed with curses.
     Aphmau finished checking Garroth and left Laurence to sit beside him and calm him down. She stared at Travis, and then at Zane. "That could have been you."
     Zane gave her a hard glare and stomped towards her, snatched the can and the spoon she was holding, and walked over to Travis. He looked above Travis's head to speak to Aaron.
     "Can you let me talk to him in the sleeping room?"
     "Yes. If I can hold him here, I can hold him in there."
    "No. I want to talk to him alone."
     "You saw what he did to Garroth."
     "He doesn't know Garroth."
     "What does that matter?"
     "He's not biting you or me."
     Travis wriggled around, then let himself go limp. "Let go," he grumbled. His heartbeat gradually slowed, and he could no longer hear it. For the first time since he had woken up, there was nothing blocking his hearing.
     Zane, Aphmau, and Garroth jumped when he spoke. All of their faces showed relief afterwards.
     "It looks like he's fine now.." Aaron said slowly, then sighed. "Yeah, yeah. I'll let you talk to him alone. Just yell if you need something."
     Zane nodded. Aaron leaned back to let Travis stand up, and slowly brought him over to the door. Zane trailed after them.
     "Just put him on his bed," Zane instructed, watching Aaron carefully as he brought Travis across the room. Once Travis was situated, Zane walked over and sat on his own bed. Aaron left the room and closed the door.

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