04 | flare star

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a dwarf star which displays spasmodic outbursts of radiation, believed to be due to extremely intense flares.

A LIVE PUNK BAND plays on the stage at the back of the bar, and the guitars screech so loud they're like supersonic frequencies in my ears. I've never had a reason to come here unless it involves pints and pool. Not only that, but my roommates and I are Friday regulars; Saturdays aren't our jam, so there are a lot of unfamiliar—and unfriendly—faces. They eye me like a slab of meat as I make my way to the bar.

The taste of beer in the air makes my mouth water. All I want to do is drink, drink, drink. My hangovers normally die after dinner and pave the way for another night of boozing. It's my Inner Trudy coming out. Not today, Satan—if Ryan's going to accept my apology, I can't be sloppy.

There's more staff than usual. A hot girl in shorts and an apron zips from table to table, and the acidic smell of salt and vinegar wafts behind the tray she carries. Ryan's the only bartender, but the entire half-moon shape of the bar is swarmed with people. How am I going to even get close to him?

Regret pools inside me. I feel like an idiot, lost, alone, and sober in this place. I don't even know where to sit. The music's so loud I can't think. So I just go to the bar and wait in line. A group of guys order two pitchers, and they slosh onto the floor as they shove past me. Finally, another bartender joins Ryan, and the line speeds up. When I get to the front, Ryan's eyes widen.

"Hey, stranger," I say.

"Aria... hey. I thought you never wanted to see me again." His voice is gentle, even when he's yelling to overpower the music.

"I just wanted a chance to apologize and thank you properly," I shout. "When I'm, y'know, not drunk and covered in Big Mac sauce..."

"Oh, well like I said, it's really okay. I was just worried about you."

"That's why I had to come back. It was sweet of you to help me, and I was a total mess. Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't found me. Seriously, Ryan. Thanks."

"Okay." A waning smile touches his lips. "You're welcome."

I take a deep breath and lean my elbows on the bar. "And even though I was a total ass last night, I'm gonna take one last stab in the dark and say if you ever want to let me thank you with coffee or something, the offer stands."

He blinks. "Oh, uh..."

Before Ryan can answer, some dude in a Metallica shirt jabs my side. "Hey, if you're not gonna order a drink, move it, will ya?"

My cheeks heat as I face Ryan and laugh half-heartedly. "I'll go. And it's okay, I didn't think you'd actually want to go. I'll let you work. Bye, Ryan."

It's so stupid of me to feel hurt he won't accept my dumb coffee offer. I blame the hangover for my sensitivity today.

But as I'm turning around, he says, "Aria, wait."


"I get off early tonight. If you want to stick around for a bit... maybe we can have a drink."

The fact that Ryan wants to stay here instead of going to a cafe or something amplifies how obvious it is that he isn't into me. I cringe hard thinking about how I flirted with him. Drunk Aria has balls of steel, that bitch.

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