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This is your Born Elite founder/leader, Yaquta. Yes, this group is still active. I've just lost interest in Lab Rats/Lab Rats: Elite Force. However, both shows are still special to me and so is this group. So, once again, yes, this group is very much active. Those members who are active, keep doing what you're doing. Those of you who aren't, please try to be if you are not too busy. I will make an effort to be more active as well.

However, this does NOT mean that the rest of my groups are inactive. They are still very much active and I want to keep them active. It is very difficult to manage several different groups, so please bare with me.

There have also been many mishaps, hacking, and bullying issues going on in this group. Snowy A.K.A. Chase Davenport, got the Born Elite group account back, and only she and I know the password. Many members have been harassing other members, including me, and I will not tolerate it. Please check the Born Elite account frequently for important information regarding activities and members.

I hope that you understand.



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