A new Hunter

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"I always have a backup plan" argent said Malia and Scott come into view Malia knocking him down putting her foot on his back I stood by the crates

"What the hell are you guys doing here?"Chris asked

"We're your backup" Scott said I shook my head

"He had a guy on the inside" I said they all looked at me

"Who?"Malia asked I looked down and sighed 

"You're standing on him" Chris said

"Get down!" He yells I pulled Scott down behind the crate with me our fingers intertwined Malia grabs argents friend as Chris and I stood up shooting our guns I got hit in the shoulder that only fuelled my anger

"God Damn it do you know how long it's gonna take me to get this bullet out" I said before headbutting the guy he falls unconscious the others had escaped

"For the record I had everything under control" Chris said as Scott grabbed me I groaned the bullet hurted 

"Clearly" Malia said 

"How did you find me?" He asked Scott gives me the be still look I nodded 

"he did it" Malia said pointing to Scott as he held my shoulder

"You uh left your computer at the bunker" Scott said as he flicked out his claws 

"I guess I need a new password"Chris said

"Yeah because that one was too obvious ya know you would think a Hunter could come up with a better password that that......"Chris cuts me off as Scott uses two claws to dig out the bullet 

"Jade I get it"he said I nodded and winced

"Sorry"I said

"We've uh been trying to call you" Scott said once he got the bullet out it was a bullet tracer 

"I know"Chris said I took the bullet and put it in my pocket

"So what you've been avoiding us?" Malia asked 

"I haven't been avoiding you......"I cut him off

"It kinda feels like you've been avoiding us" I said matter of factly 

"I've been busy business is booming and id like to know why"he finished giving me a look that says don't start with me

"Have you made any unusual sales lately?"Scott asked

"Like a bullet with fleur de lis" Malia was curious he looked up at us surprised they then looked at me

"Well i didn't do it either"I said folding my arms

"I haven't stamped a bullet since I've sworn off hunting"Chris said I nodded

"Someone just killed a hellhound with one" Scott said

"Can I see the casing?"Chris asked Scott digs in his pocket then he starts to look around there were hundreds of Shell casings on the floor I looked at him

"You lost it didn't you?"I asked him he nods shyly

"It must've fallen out"he said I groaned

"You don't need the casing you need the slug find that you find the killer"


"So what's going on between you and Malia?" Chris asked as we walked through the woods him with his gun in his hand mine were in the back of my pants

"Nothing why?" I asked glancing at him

"Well a few months ago you sent me a text about killing her if she dared to even try anything with Scott"he explained giving me a look I scratched my head chuckling nervously

"I don't even remember that" I lied

"So?" He pressed I shrugged

"She has a crush on Scott and you know how territorial I can get"I said he chuckled

"And psychotic"he said I rolled my eyes

"My uncle and Aunt were psychopaths im starting to sense the similarities in our families"I told him he hums 

"I don't know when it happened she just started liking him out of the blue I nearly killed her when I found out" I told him after a moment

"You think she'll try something?" He asked me I shook my head

"No Malias a lot of things but she's not that stupid"I said she would get herself killed if she tried something on Scott

"You trying to convince me or yourself?" He asked me but suddenly he spoke up again before I had the chance to speak

"Relax it's just us" he said once we reached Scott and Malia 

"Do you have to use that thing?"Malia asked I looked everywhere but at Malia and Scott

"To determine the trajectory of the bullet yes show me where you find the bullet" Chris said they were still uneasy though I rolled my eyes

"He's got the safety on" I told them looking up at the Moon

"Scott do me a favor glow your eyes tell me if you can see it too" Chris tells Scott looking at a tree Scott glows his eyes

"I see it"Scott said

"That's because it's made from an element with a higher heat signature than regular metal it shines infrared like your eyes because it's silver"

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