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*okay so I forgot to say but Chloe is dating Conor, keep this is mind*

Shani POV:
I sighed while picking up Noah, this might be the last time in this house, the last time he would ever sees his dad. But this is the best thing, he kept a secret form me, for months, cheating on my with my bestie, CHLOE! Another one of my "besties" that fucked my "husband" why? Ugh I hate my life, I walked out the door, with Noah in my arms and a big suitcase dragging behind me, I walked down the hallway, the hallway where mine and joes first kiss was... I hate these memories popping into my head, I got into my car. Yes the one Joe brought me. I strapped Noah in and got into the front. I started to drive to Jacks house that is only about a 5 minute drive. I pulled up outside his grabbed Noah and walked in to notice, Jack, Conor, Caspar, Mikey, josh, Oli  and joe??? Ugh great he's here. I put Noah down and he instantly ran over to joe and jumped into his arms making him fall back on the couch, I felt a tear drop form my eye, seeing Noah this happy with joe makes my so sad. Knowing that after this day Noah might not see his dad again makes me just want to cry. I couldn't hold it back. I ran into jacks bedroom, flopped on the bed and started to cry. Jack came running in with Conor.
"Hey hey hey Shani bear it's okay" jack said sitting next to me embracing me into a hug. Conor sat on the end of the bed with his head in his hands. I felt so bad for Conor, he thought he found the love of his life. So do I. After about 10 minutes me and Conor calmed down and we all went into the lounge. I recognised a familiar voice I looked on the sofas to see that the one and only Chloe had joined us. I looked at Conor who looked like he was about to burst into tears again. I took his hand to which he forced a smile and took a deep breathe before sitting down to the sofa next to Oli who gave me a little smile to which I returned. I put my hand on Conor's lap calming him. Chloe looked over to me with hurt in her eyes, looking like she was about to breakdown, but I couldn't give a shit any less if I tried.
"So" joe said breaking the awkward silence.
"So what?" I spat.
"I'm sorry" joe said looking down
"Sorry is that really all you can say? You kept a secret form your WIFE for 2 months while you were slagging her best friend and all you can say is sorry? You're a heat roll model for Noah ain't you?" I shouted. I stood up folding my arms, with tears in my eyes.
"Look baby I'm sorry, one thing lead to another and I didn't want to hurt you, it was just twice, once when I was so drunk I didn't know what I was doing and once when she forced herself on me"
"Don't baby me, were done joe, for good!" I shouted while picking Noah up and running out of the room. Jack, Caspar, Oli and josh all followed me. Josh took Noah off me and me and the rest all sat on the bed a hugged, I just wanted to stay like this forever. Conor and Mikey come in minutes later.
"Joe had a go at Chloe and told her to get out of his life" Mikey said while looking into my eyes with sadness
"Where joe now" I asked
"In the front room, he's a mess Shani"
I nodded and walked out the room without saying a word, there he sat, the love of my life with his head in his hands crying like mad. I took a seat next to him and sighed making him look up.
"Shani" he said in and out of sobs
"Look joe, I love you, a lot. But I don't think this is for us, this whole husband and wife thing, this whole relationship thing, I think we should just stay as friends forever, as much as it breaks me. I think it's for the best"
"No please no I can't live without you, please don't leave me princess" now looking deeply into my eyes
"*sigh* break"
I gave him a kiss on the cheek, I was about to get up until joe pulled me onto his lap looked my deeply into my eyes and kissed me, it was the best kiss we've ever shared, it was magical, it was perfect.
"Wow" I whispered
"I know" he chucked
I took off both my rings and he took off his, I put them into a little pot and put them on the window ledge.
"I love you Shani"
"I love you too joe"
"So who you going to get with while we're on our break?"
"I might just be single and explore"
"Sounds like a good plan" he smiled.

I walked back to where everyone was to see Jack playing with Noah, he would be such a good dad. Why can't I get rid of these feelings for jack? Do I love him? No I can't.
"Hey love birds" I chucked walking up to them taking a seat next to jack on the bed.
"Mommy look what daddy can do" I smiled, did Noah call jack daddy? That was so cute.
"He keeps calling me daddy, I don't know why?" He laughed
"Neither do..." I stopped and suddenly remembered something, I instantly felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I was breathing so heavy, shaking at the thought.
I found out I was pregnant on the 5th of November 2012. Me and jack had our little thing 1 month before, when I found out I was pregnant I was one month along, me and joe did it 2 months before I found out I was pregnant. SHIT! Noah's dad is Jack! Not Joe! OMG! I can't stop shacking. I need to tell jack, without Noah there. I walked out the bathroom pale as anything shaking like mad.
"Jack can I talk to you alone please, Caspar can you take Noah and the rest of you in Conor room?"
"Yeah sure Shani" he replied picking up Noah.
They walked it the room and I shut the door behind them and instantly started to cry. Jack run over to me and hugged me tightly.
"Shani what's wrong?" He asked looking worried
"Jack Noah, he's yours not joes" I said looking into his eyes.
"What, what do you mean he's mine"
I sighed and sat on the bed to which jack took a seat next to me.
"I found out I was pregnant on the 5th of November 2012. Me and you had our little thing 1 month before, when I found out I was pregnant I was one month along, me and joe did it 2 months before I found out I was pregnant so therefore Noah is your child, not joes"
"Omg, I'm a dad, I'm a dad" he kept on repeating and repeating. He was so happy I couldn't help but smile.
"What about joe, what do you think he's going to say?"
"He will just have to put up with it, I'm in love you with you Jack Maynard"
"I'm in love with you to Shnai Maynard"
"Shani Maynard, i like that" I smiled
"So do i" he kissed me and it was full of passion. I really loved this boy, big time.
"Let's go and tell joe and the others" I said pulling away
Me and jack walked out the room, jack headed straight to the lounge and I went to get the boys form jacks room
"Come to the lounge I need to tell you all something"
They all walked out and followed me into the lounge, I looked back to see Conor walking hand in hand with Noah, they looked so cute. We all sat down and me and jack stood in front of them. Jack stood next to me with Noah in his arms.
"Okay this is going to be really hard to say and you may be a little mad and a little confused but it need to be said cause I can't lie to all of you for the rest of my life never mind my son. Okay here it goes I found out I was pregnant on the 5th of November 2012. Me and jack had our little thing 1 month before, when I found out I was pregnant I was one month along, me and joe did it 2 months before I found out I was pregnant so there for jack is the father to Noah not Joe, joe look I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't figure this out sooner. I hope you have the heart to forgive the terrible thing that I did"
"I can forgive you, I love you Shani, this has broke me, so much but I love you no matter what, I wish you and jack a good life and hopefully we can still be friends"
"Definitely suggy" I said hugging him
"I love you joe"
"I love you too Shani" he said kissing my cheek
"I knew it, I knew you were my daddy" Noah shouted hugging jack. Me and joe looked at eachother and smiled. Before hugging eachother again,
"Zoe's going to be broken you know" joe sighed
"I know, but she's mommy best friend so hopefully she will understand and still see Noah as her still nephew." I smiled
"Call her" he smiled
"I will"

Phone call:
Shani: hey Zoe
Zoe: hey Shani what's up babe?
Shani: right in just going to say it I found out I was pregnant on the 5th of November 2012. Me and jack had our little thing 1 month before, when I found out I was pregnant I was one month along, me and joe did it 2 months before I found out I was pregnant so that's for joe is not the dad, jack is I'm so sorry Zoe
Zoe: oh Shani
Shani: I know I'm so sorry
Zoe: I'm so upset, I thought I had a little Nephew
Shani: I'm really really sorry
Zoe: as upset as I am I can't be mad at you, it's so frustrating but I really can't *chuckle*, i will still see and treat Noah as my little nephew I love him to much to let him go, like I love you to much to hate you
Shani: I love you so so much Zoe
Zoe: I love you too Shani, always have and always will babe
Shani: me and joe are going to get a divorce
Zoe: oh yeah how's  joe taking all this, and that's a shame you two were really cute
Shani: I know and he's okay, he is happy for me and jack and wishes us all the best for the future, he still wants to be friends
Zoe: that's good, look I have to go but I'll speak to you soon
Shani: okay I love you, thanks for understanding you're such a good friend
Zoe: I love you too Shani and I'm always here for you whatever happens
Shani: same goes for you.
End of call

"What did she say" joe asked
"She's upset, but understands"
"She's such a good person" he chucked
"I know, I adore the girl" I smiled
"Guys how about a sleepover" jack shouted sounding like a 10 year old girl.
"Sounds good" everyone agreed

The rest of the night was really good, we ate too much and drank to much except form Oli and josh who where the parents of the group looking after us all and looking after Noah, me, jack and Noah all went to bed first as we were all so tired. I put Noah into a little carry cot that I put down the side of jacks bed and placed him in, even though he's 5 it's the only thing he can sleep in right now as the beds not big enough for 3 of us. Me and jack got undressed and got into bed and cuddled together.
"I love you Shani bear"
"I love you too jacky bear" I smiled

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