I got tagged!

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F shiny greninja: I'm actually mentioned In something! Yay! Well time to answer some questions.

1. What phone do you have?📞
I have a Samsung galaxy J3

2. Do you have a crush? ❤
No I don't.  In fact greninja that I'm dating right now. The parts the greninja say in the truths of dares is typed by my boyfriend. No one will know his name. You just state him as greninja. Got that?

3. Birthday🎂
14th August.

4. Best friends 💃
Too many to name

5. Favourite song 🎶
Demons by starset.  It's so catchy!

6. Biggest fear 😨
Snake, spiders, tiny bugs that get all over your skin....

7. Colour of your hair 👧
Dark brown. No highlights. Sadly but it's shiny! I like shiny!

8. Favourite subject 📚
Art! I'm a very good drawer.

9. Favourite sport ⚽
Not a big fan of sports but I'd say tennis.

10. Tag 20 and they have to do it 🙎👧👨👩👴👵👶👱👮🙋🙇💁🎅💂👸👷👳👲👦💆
Well.... I don't have 20 followers... but this goes out for all of the people who have followed me already! That's excepted right? No? Yes? No? Well f*ck you guys.... you guys have to do it though!

But that is all for today. I will be doing the next dare tomorrow that is from FieryFletchinder. They dare Ash's team to do the baby food challenge so stay tuned! Can't wait to see ninja eating baby food! Hehehehe

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