chapter 1

455 14 1

Stings POV

Im here in hargeon hanging with lucy at this cafe called tapanga's.

"So what do you want to do next" i asked.

"I say we play 21 questions"

"Ok you first" i said

"1.)How old are you" she asked

"19" i state proudly

"Your old" she mumbles but thanks to my dragon hearing i heard it perfectly.

"Hey i look younger than you" i shouted in protest.

She looked down with her eyes shadowing. Did i say something wrong? (Me as in author: no duh shit)

"Wanna say that again brat" she said glaring at me with those intense brown orbs.

"No ma'am i value my life"i stuttered.

" ok question number 2 why do you value your life" she asked in a 'nice voice 'bipolar much'

"Because with out it i would not have found my dragon, my real friends, my reason to live" i answered

"Aww question 3 what is your favorite color" she asked

"Well i love the color blue but to be more specific crystal blue because it shows the light in the dark can be turned on" i explained.

"Question 4 what do you mean by the light in the dark can be turned on" she asked.

"I mean like say if i was a dark mage there is something that could always remind me of why i was good. My last little bit of sanity. Like lector was before but he did something i would never do to him. He abandoned me know i don't know where my sanity lies" i explained with clenched fist.

"Oh im so sorry i hope i did not upset you in fact we can stop the game" she said quickly.

"Nuh uh i have not gotten my questions in" i said smirking.

"Why do i get the feeling he's gonna be a hot headed pervert"she mumbled again.

" hey just give me question number 5" i shout she chuckled.
'The nerve of this girl damn i like feisty' i chuckled to.

"Ok question number five what is your favorite movie of all time" she asked

"Hmm i like tuns of movies but my top movie has to be a dogs purpose i might actually get a dog." I answered

"Question 6 what would you name the dog"

"Stewie griffin my main man" i stated.

"Oh.........kay and question 7 what is your favorite song" she asked

"Tricky one but first song that comes to mind is see you again" i said she nodded.

"Question 8 can you sing" she asked

"Nope i sound like a dying goat" i said.
(If you have not heard a goat die in pain you are blessed it is terrible)

"Um that's good to know question 9 what is your dream" she asked

"To become the best fighter of all the dragon slayer. To prove that the time i spent with wessologia was not a waste" i said casually.

"Wow that's deep so question 10 what is your least favorite color" she asked

"Black because you can't see any beauty in it" i explained she nodded

"Question 11 what is beauty in your definition" she looked curious.

"Why you wanna know my taste in women" i asked.

"Cha........ I was not its because you keep saying stuff is your fav and i was thinking that your likes are determined by beauty" she protested.

"Well beauty is the way something struggles to be noticed if it does not try its ugly and if it tries to hard its like the saying a diamond under to much pressure turns to dust i guess beauty is fighting your hardest like you against flare and minerva" i said

"Oh i get it and next question 12 what is your favorite food" she asked

"I like pizza with pineapples, grilled chicken and bacon" im in heaven.

"First off ew second next question number 13 who was your last serious crush" she demanded.

"Um not sure but i think it was yukino im not sure" i answered honestly.

"Ooh next question number 14 if you could go back in time when would you go"

"I would go back when no body ever cares about me" i answered

"As long as im here that's not gonna happen and question number 15 what time period would you go back to" she asked

"When wessologia was still here and did not leave me" i answered.

"Ok question number 16 what is your favorite memory with wessologia"

"When i was little i took his food and ran he pretended to be sick i got scared and ran back to him saying if he woke up i would return his food he picked me and up and laid me on his belly and started tickling me" i explained.

"How sweet number 17 what is the biggest lie you ever told" she asked

"Well i told lector i could beat any and every body" i said she burst out laughing i felt intimidated.

"Ok......ok.......number 18 what are your favorite type shoes" that's simple

"Slides i don't have go worry about the laces coming undone" i explained

"Oh well number.19 what is the hardest battle you ever fought" she said

"Oh that's easy natsu at the grand magic games" i said

"Question 20 who is your idol and why" she asked that's 2 questions but ok

"Natsu because no matter what he always finds a way out of no way" i answered then that evil smirk appeared.

"Number.21 what is your full name" she demanded.

"You know actually that last question was too so don't have to answer that" i stated nervously.

"Answer it now"she said with an intense murderous glare.

" fine" i swallowed my pride.

"Sting beatle eucluffe" she actually......


Cliff hanger

Ok guys sorry about not updating but this week i have three days out of school and trust me i will be updating my promise is by the end of the month to have at least 15 episodes done

2/15 ☑


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