Chapter 9

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Sean sat beside Kane in Vince's study room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Just minutes ago he had been roused from a deep, peaceful slumber to be dragged into Vince's study, a move which he was still bitter about. It had only been three days since their grand adventure, and already, both head knights had been insistent he keep training. This night's sleep had been the only peaceful, undisturbed sleep he had enjoyed in nights...and then sir Patterson runs in, telling him that the king needed him immediately. After he realized it wasn't some cruel, heartless joke to play on the sleep-depraved, with a groan he pulled himself from bed, threw on something he assumed but didn't really care if it matched or not, and padded down the endless stairs to the first floor of the castle where everyone else was gathered. Vince now was babbling on about receiving word the castle was going to be under attack by that other king, who appeared to be a bit disgruntled. Now he was talking about the plan...Nash was getting slapped by Madusa and being told to "go jump in the moat", Knights Helmsley and Michaels were sitting in a sleepy daze, Jericho was hanging on to every word that was said, and Kane...well, Kane just sat there. Suddenly Knight Michaels stood, shaking his head of the sleepiness and got Vince's attention. "Hold on, Vinman...we've been around long enough, we know the drill. Besides, how hard can Bischoff's little cronies really be to defeat?" Vince's brow narrowed.

"Why don't you look out the window and find out for yourself?" Shawn's eyes widened at the suggestion, then he rushed to the window to see several horses trotting their way to the castle. Shawn shook his head slowly.

"THIS is what we're supposed to be afraid of?" Vince shrugged.

"Well...yeah, and that," he replied, pointing to a tower attached to the castle many yards away, where through the window, one could easily see Chyna, yawning, surrounded by several of Bischoff's knights.

"Joanie's nice to me, too," Kaitlin said sleepily. "She's okay, right?" Sean sighed, then nodded, trying to get her to be quiet so he could finish.

King Bischoff watched in satisfaction as his troops quickly moved to their assigned positions. They may be small in number but they had determination by the buckets. Of course, Bischoff worried, all the determination in the world wasn't going to be good against an angry, sleepless Kane. Shaking his head to clear it of the thoughts, he rode to the side where Vince was and, slimy grin still on his face, looked up at him.

"Hey Vinnie! Whatcha gonna do now?" Vince frowned; now he was using the phrases HE made! The jerk...

"I'm going to laugh in your face, that's what." Bischoff's smile grew brighter.

"I'm not sure who you think you are, Vince, but I have you surrounded!" Vince broke into a wide grin now, as he burst into laughter. Both knights behind him looked at each other, then silently agreed for Helmsley to take off in the direction of the tower where Chyna was being held hostage, so to speak. Vince, however, kept his opponent busy with the insults being traded between the two.

"What exactly do you think you're going to do?"

"I've brought with me the most powerful force in wrestling today! I call them the new world order, and they WILL be your downfall, McMahon!" Vince rolled his eyes, then watched in amusement as Helmsley effortlessly made his way across the walk to the tower.

Knight Helmsley knocked down the door to the tower, strolled in, and saw Chyna standing, staring with a glazed-over expression only the extremely bored could manage. Hunter blushed.

"Pssst...Joanie...look scared!" Chyna arched an eyebrow.

"Excuse me? I have the NWO B-Team around me, and I'm-"

"Joanie, it's in the script! You're the damsel in distress, now look scared!" Chyna heaved a heavy sigh, then put her hands in the air and gave a half-hearted cry.

"Oh Hunter. Help me. Please." Hunter shrugged; that was close enough for him. He went into the heat of battle then, doing away with all of the opponents with ease. Chyna, again, half-heartedly walked into his arms. "Oh, Hunter, thank you so ever much. I will forever be in your gratitude, I will-"

"Alright, alright, that's good." Chyna grinned as they walked out the door, much to Bischoff's displeasure.

"You beat my prize possessions!" He cried, sobbing into his horse's neck. Vince rolled his eyes and turned his back, walking to the center of the room. "Don't walk away from me!" He screamed, near tears. Vince never returned, and, with a heavy heart, Bischoff ordered his troops back to their castle to plot a new route of revenge.

Both kids started cheering, Kaitlin a little more softly because of being tired. Sean was beginning to wonder if his son was on a constant sugar-high, but quickly dismissed the thought and went on.

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