Chapter 4.

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Ok, so i need a dress, a sexy dress. How am i suppose to find one? I have no idea what a sexy dress looks like.

"Hayley this is perfect" Auntie Ellie squeals from across the store, i walk over to her and shes holding the must gorgeous dress. Its Maroon colour, body con and just perfect. 

"I need some jewelry.." I say holding my arms up. Auntie Ellie curses under her breath handing me the dress and running off. Oh.. did they scare her or something? 

She appears back holding some gorgeous braclets. I nod my head and drag her to the till, okay i do feel bad for making her pay for both of these but i suppose i cant stop her? I'll pay her back one day.

"Yes thats all thankyou" Auntie Ellie says to the lady at the till. The lady avoids me and just says thankyou to Auntie Ellie, well that was rude. "I have the perfect shoes you can borrow so lets head home" She smiles at me. 


Arriving home we run inside and up to my room, Auntie Ellie instructs me to sit down at the dressing table so she can do my hair, she curles it into big lose curls that sit on my shoulders, she does my makeup and puts eyeliner on my eyes, i don't really wear eyeliner so i don't know how bad i'll look, shes does flicks at the end and makes my eyelashes look longer with mascra, when i look in the mirror i don't feel like me.. I feel like a completely different person, i go into the bathroom and slide the dress on and put the bracelets on, staring at my self in the wall mirror puts a smile on my face, i feel as confident as hell right now. 

I walk out into the bedroom and Auntie Ellie is standing there holding a pair of black heels that are just perfect, i walk over to her and take them out of her hand, they are crisp clean, not a bit of dirt anywhere.

"Have you even worn these?" I ask her still staring at the shoes. She laughs as she puts them on my feet and adjusts my hair.

"Yes once, but they aren't my kinda shoes, so they are yours, for all these college parties your gunna be having" She laughs. 

I smile as i stand up in the shoes, surprisenly they are really comfty. My phone vibrates on my bed and its a text from Luke.

From: Luke
Outside :-) x

I smile down at my phone and grab some perfume, giving myself one last spray i walk down the stairs, Auntie Ellie behind me. "You look pretty" Charlie says. I laugh and kiss his head, hes a sweet kid, wish his father was as nice. I wave good bye and take a deep breath before stepping outside. 

There he is.. sat in his black sports car, hes stood outside leaning against the car he looks up from his phone sliding it into his pocket. He smiles as i make my way towards him. "Looking good baker" he smirks opening the door for me. 

"You too hemmings" I giggle. He chuckles as he closes the door, he quickly runs aorund to the drivers side and slide into the seat.

"See you got something sexy" He laughs. I nod my head, not sure if he saw it or not but im not nervous to speak and if i do loads of random crap will escape my mouth.

But as we drive through the streets of melbourne i stare at him alot of the time, hes beautiful, hes wearing black jeans, with a white shirt and a blazer over the top, you can see his muscles through the white top and his hair is the exact same as i saw yesterday, this time hes wearing a lip ring.

"You didn't have a lip ring in earlier" Great way to make a conversation Hayley. He laughs as he spins it around.

"That would be because of stupid school rules" He grunts. Oh.. so i wont be seeing that regulary then?

We finally arrive at another huge house. "This is mine, well my fathers" Luke says as we pull into the parking space. I nod as we both climb out of the car. He takes my arm and leads me into the house, everyone stares.. is it because im with luke? Or because of how i look? I don't understand Melbourne just yet.

"Hey" Jayme squeals. She squeezes me and i can't breath.

"Jayme your killing her" Luke growls. Jayme steps away and stares at me.

"Its fine, hey though" I laugh, she smiles and drags me over to the corner where everyone is sat, but Holly wont even look at me. All the lads all say hey in unison.

"Oh Holly and Louis broke up, she has a thing for luke, and yeah" Jayme whispers over the music. So now she doesnt like me? Great first impression Hayley. "Don't worry about it, Lukes more interested in you, let him go for who he wants" She comforts me. I nod and just sit there. 

Harry comes and sits next to me. "Hey" He smiles.

"Hi?" I question. Why is he talking to me..

"Sorry i thought id come say hey, you look good by the way" He says carmly.

"Thankyou" I smile back. He kisses my cheek and leaves. Woah.

I turn around and see Luke dancing with some girl.. i don't know why but it makes my heart drop. Literally i can feel the pounding in my chest and im ready to just get up and leave, everyones out to hurt me.

"Thats Molly, they have a weird thing.. but he isn't interested in her, its more the other way round, lets say fwb" Harry suggests. Friends with benefits ay? Luke gets more god damn attractive with every little fact i find out about him.

"Wanna dance?" I blurt out to Harry. 

"With me?" Harry says with his jaw touching his lap, wow this kid is stupid.

I sigh and grab his hand dragging him onto the dance floor, i put my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waste. He has a nice body.. he has nice hair, i look up at him and run my fingers through his hair, he smiles down at me making my blush and look away. I rest my head on his shoulder and catch a look at Luke.. hes staring at me with hurt in his eyes. Did i do something wrong other than dance with Harry when hes dancing with Molly? Thats not breaking any rules right?

The song finishes and me and Harry head back over to the corner, i perch myself on the same seat and Harry disapears, i kinda feel lost. Its just me and Holly and she isn't talking to me, acting kinda pathetic if you ask me, but oh well. I sit there and slide my phone from out of my bra checking my twitter i have notifcations..

"@HayleyLBaker looks stunning tonight first day at school and already on luke and harry you go girl"

"@HayleyLBaker already on two boys? after her first day wow when is it my turn!?;)" 

"honestly can't believe shes already got two, arrives with luke but slow dances with harry who is it @HayleyLBaker "

Weirdly all my mentions where from a mixture of people, and they don't seem like too much hate, which is good. Surprisinly the last one is from Holly, and honestly shes still being pathetic. I giggle softly to myself putting my phone back away just as Luke turns up. 

"Hey, so when are you gunna talk to me tonight?" He smiles sitting next to me.

"When you werent dancing with Molly?" I grunt. He stares at me with his eyebrows risen.

"Molly? Shes nothing to me." He growls back.

"And i am?" I ask turning my head to face him. 

"You seem pretty important to Harry" He growls, i see his hands clenching in his lap.

"You seem pretty important to Molly" I growl back, not being funny Luke but you have no idea.

"So what? Let me guess, you just wanna get in Harry's pants, and use him?" Luke laughs. Is he kidding me!? No Harry seems likes an amazing friend, someone who might stand with me through everything, unlike you.

"Like you using Molly then? Luke are you kidding me, don't even go there! Everyones out to hurt me" I growl. "You have no idea what ive been through" I growl in a low tone. I stand up, and turn back around to him and lean down to be in eye level with him, "You know, its crazy but i actually thought.. maybe you'd have an impact on my life.. make it different and better, but you're just like every other boy" I growl again. I turn back around and walk off, the tears start briming to my eyes.

I just stood up for myself.. infront of everyone.

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