Innocence p.1 - Pilot

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Tablo - Daniel Armand Lee

Taeyang - Dong Young-bae

T.O.P - Choi Seung-hyun


Tomorrow by Tablo ft. Taeyang

I'll be There by Taeyang


Daniel looked at himself in the mirror. The big, dark eyes stared back at him. The lack of sleep was visible in his face and the skin seemed pale after two weeks without sunlight. Everytme he tried to sleep, that man's face showed up in front of him. All the blood. How did it come to this? Why did he insist on carrying that knife around? Without it there, he wouldn't have killed that poor guy. There would be no accident. He wouldn't be hunted for being the murderer he now was. A knock at the door woke him up and he opened the door. Dong Young-bae, a friend of his, looked at him.

"Are you okay?", he asked. Daniel shook his head.

Dong Young-bae, or just Young-bae, was a close friend of his. They had been friends for so many years that Daniel cound't count anymore. Was it ten years or even more? Something like that, anyway. Young-bae had always been there for him, and Daniel loved him for it. Daniel knew that he had to repay it somehow, but Young-bae didn't care about that. He just wanted his friend, and Daniel tried, he really did. For the moment, Daniel lived with Young-bae since he couldn't go back to his own apartment. What if the police came to look for him there? Or someone else? No, he rather stayed here. It was better. And Young-bae listened, took him in. Like a true friend.

"Thank you, Young-bae. Thanks for all this." He couldn't say more right now.

"No problem. This is what friends are for, you know", Young-bae replied and smiled.

Dong Young-bae:

Daniel had been in the apartment for two weeks already and it really started to show. Clothes were all over the place, empty bottles of beer and packets of cigarettes lied everywhere. But he was patient. What else could he do? Young-bae had known this dude for so long. They were really close friends. This was the beginning of the third week and he was worried. Daniel didn't do much, just laid there, reading a book or watching TV. He avoided the news, though. The apartment was small and they had been forced to sleep in the same bed, since the bed itself was the biggest thing in the whole room. Young-bae had nothing against it, though. He had a secret, somethig he had kept to himself for all these years. What, he couldn't even think about. But he knew one thing. To have Daniel close like that felt good. It felt more than good, it felt great. He felt safe.

Daniel walked past him and once again turned his attention towad a book he was reading. Young-bae had been the one to bought those, since Daniel didn't go outside anymore. What could he do? Nothing, really. Except for being there and support Daniel in this hard time. Young-bae knew that Daniel wouldn't kill anyone. That it was all an accident. Daniel was the sweetest guy ever and also a nice soul. Would never hurt someone like that, would never end a life. But now it happened, the last Young-bae could do was to comfort his best friend.

"I'm going out to get some food." He tried to talk to Daniel, but the only answer he got was a thumb up. Young-bae sighed and put on shoes and a jacket before leaing the apartment. He locked the door and walked off.

Choi Seung-hyun:

Seung-hyun had been working on this case for quite some time now. He was really tired, but had picked up a trail leading to this man named Daniel Armand Lee. Fingerprints on the knife that was left on the crime scene. Seung-hyun had not find this Daniel Armand Lee, though. He had disappeared. Like he never existed. Seung-hyun had found out everything about his life. Parents, friends, everything. He had already contacted the man's parents but they didn't know anything. So his next target was this friend, Dong Young-bae. And he was lucky. When Seung-hyun was standing in line to buy some things before going home for the day, he saw someone that looked like Dong Young-bae. Therefore, he waited outside the super market until the man came out. Seung-hyun took the chance.

"Excuse me, hello", he said. "I wonder, is your name Dong Young-bae?"

The man glanced at him, but he didn't look away.

"Yes, that is me. Why?"

Yes! Finally some progress.

"Can you come with me to the police station for a quick chat?"

"I guess. What is all this about?"

Seung-hyun smiled and started to walk toward the car. The man followed.

"It's about a man called Daniel Armand Lee. You know him, or am I wrong?"

Stay tuned for the next part of Innocence! What will happen between Dong Young-bae and Choi Seung-hyun, and how about Daniel Armand Lee, that is still in the apartment?

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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