Catch ups

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Lily's POV
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! My parents decided I could go on my OWN to Diagon Alley that means I can let loose and have fun because my parents aren't watching me at all times and I'm not at school so I cant get in trouble!!!!!!!

I owled Marlene, Alice, Dorcas and Mary the great news as soon as I found out.

Speaking of good news, I received my Hogwarts letter last week and got the usual notices and book list but I also had a surprise, well not really a surprise because now I think about it I am sort of a teachers pet, but anyway I GOT HEAD GIRL!!!!!!!!

That's right you heard correctly, me the plain red haired muggle born who hates James Potter got Head Girl!!!

I'm sooooo excited though I'm going to wait until Saturday ( the amazing day that I go to Diagon Alley unchaperoned) to tell my friends in person.

⌚️⌚️⌚️ Time skip to Saturday morning⌚️⌚️⌚️

"Diiiiinnnnngggggg" " Saturday," I breathed. Yes I know that was my first word of the day, but this is Freedom Day!!!

Yes this isn't actually an official day but to me August the 25 will always be known as such.

"Morning Mum" I chirped cheerfully as I sat down at the kitchen bench as my mother slid a plate of pancakes and maple syrup in front of me, which I ate immediately before sliding from my stool and heading back to my room to change. Hurriedly I rummaged through my draws trying to find something good to wear. Finally I came up with a fantastic outfit which consisted of a midriff top which was white and black striped with light brown swayed shortish shorts a leather jacket and black ballet flats. My long, auburn hair was straight until the base of my neck, where it tumbled into loose curls up to just past my elbows.
Happy with my choice I stuck my wand in my shorts pocket, picked up my favourite light pink hand bag, put a layer of red lipstick on my lips then hurried out the door saying goodbye to my mother and her father promising that I'd be back by five. Petunia, my older sister was still sleeping.
Once outside I apparated to Diagon Alley, I had passed my test at the first opportunity because my birthday was in January.

I arrived in the Leaky Cauldron. Spotting my friends immediately,
"Hi guys" I announced.
"Sup Lils"  Marlene Mckinnon my best friend replied
"Apart from the sky nothing much. How have your summers been so far?" I asked
"Great, not much has happened," Mary answered
"Well, Frank and his family came over, our parents are friends and he asked me out when he was waiting outside our manor waiting for the car to be brought up. It was amazing the stars seemed to twinkle even more brightly when I said yes or that might have just been me?" Alice squealed excitedly
"It probably was Ally. But I'm so happy for you!" I agreed.
"What about you Marls? How was France?" I asked so happy to be back where I belonged.
"It was heavenly. The Potters and Sirius ended up coming and Sirius, James and I went to the beach practically every day and on the third day I got myself a boyfriend!" She shrieked
"Really? Who? You didn't tell us this. Muggle or wizard?" That was Alice Mary and Dorcas all screaming over eachother, I however have some self control and simply grinned and said, "whose the lucky boy Marls?"
"Are you sure about you want to know?" She asked to as teasingly, knowing full well that she was keeping us in suspense.
"Yes!" Came our chorused answer
"Okay," she sighed dramatically rolling her eyes at our excitement"
"My new boyfriend is called........"

I'm evil wahahaha! What do you think?

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