The Beginning of Year One

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Chapter One

"Annalise, wake up! You don't want to miss the train," Alice, my caregiver, said.

I woke up, jumping out of bed in excitement. The day had finally come, the start of my first year at Hogwarts. My father, Severus Snape, was a potions master there. Every year, he would go away to teach there and leave me with Alice. He didn't seem like the type to let someone else in the house, but he had to leave me with someone since I had no mother. He never told me who my mother was and always left me in the dark about the subject, but Alice knew. I would ask her to tell me stories about my mother, but she would say 'I'll tell you when you're older,' or she would just simply tell me that I looked like her. I hoped that by going to Hogwarts, I could find out more about her and not be so confused about part of my life.

At times, I felt like my father and I were very distant from each other, but I knew that he loved me and I loved him, but for some reason there was a slight dislike for him. He never told me know my mother was and never let me leave the house for reasons that were unknown to me, I had him to thank for my shy exterior and antisocial behavior. Sometimes I wondered where I would be if I didn't have Alice looking after me. I longed to see places beyond our house and magic other than the magic that I had seen my father and Alice do.

"Is everything your trunk?" she asked as we got to the platform.

I nodded.

"I'm going to miss you, Alice," I said, giving her a hug.

"I'll miss you, Anna, but you'll see me at Christmas. I'm sure that you'll have a great year," she said, returning the hug.

In a few minutes, Alice left, but she forgot one tell me how to get to platform 9 ¾. I couldn't ask anyone around me because I knew that they were all muggles. I stood near platform nine trying to figure everything out, just then I heard yelling. I looked around and saw a redheaded woman leading her redheaded family towards the place that I was standing. I also noticed a boy with round glasses experiencing the same exact problem as I was having. I pushed my trolley so that I wouldn't be the only one that was clueless. Three of the woman's redheaded sons had run in between platforms nine and ten, leaving me slightly confused. Mainly, because I had only seen Alice and my father do magic.

"Excuse me, but do you know how to get-" he started to say, but had difficulty finishing.

"Oh, how to get onto the platform? It must be your first year, it's Ron's first year, too. Just simply get a running start and run straight in between nine and ten," she said.

The boy and I looked at each other. A complete stranger was telling us to run into a brick wall to get to the train...sounds legit. He ran in front of me and into the wall. I took a deep breath and ran after him.

"Wow," I whispered to myself.

There in front of us was the Hogwarts Express. Anxiety filled me as I followed the boy to make it look like I had friends.

"May we sit here? Everywhere else is full." The boy asked the redheaded boy from earlier.

He nodded.

"I'm Ron Weasley."

"I'm Harry Potter."

"Wow! Do you really have the-" Ron started to say.

"The what-"

"The scar," Ron whispered.

Harry lifted up his hair and showed him a scar that had the shape of a lighting bolt. Ron whispered something afterward and then their attention shifted to me.

"I'm sorry, we didn't get your name," Harry said.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Annalise Snape."

Ron's jaw almost hit the floor.


"I guess he does, since she's sitting in front of you," Harry responded.

"I figure that you'll be in Slytherin. That's odd, you don't seem to be the type," Ron said.

I was confused. I didn't expect them to know, but that made me wonder if my father had told anyone about me at all. We chatted for a little bit, eating a bunch of candy that Harry had paid for. Ron decided to do a spell on his rat, Scabbers.

"Excuse, but have you seen a toad around here? A boy named Neville has lost it," a girl with bushy brown hair said.

We shook our heads.

"Are you doing magic, can I watch?" the girl asked.

Ron shrugged in response.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat, rat yellow."

The spell didn't work. Ron looked dumbfounded, as if he had done the spell before.

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" the girl asked with a snooty attitude. "I've done a few for practice," she said, pulling out her wand and pointing it at Harry's face. "Oculus Reparo."

Instantaneously, Harry's glasses were fixed. My jaw dropped in amazement.

"I'm Hermione Granger, by the way. You must be Harry Potter. And you are?" she asked looking at me and Ron.

We introduced ourselves.

"Pleasure to meet you. You should get changed into your robes, I'd expect that we'd be arriving soon." she said then telling Ron that he had dirt on his nose.

'A little bit of a snob.'I thought.

However, I was happy that I made friends, but I was little bit worried about being sorted into a house. There was Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. I figured that I would be in Slytherin because of my father. Alice had also been in Slytherin, but I wasn't sure about my mother. I figured that she was in Slytherin and that's how she met my father. Ron had expressed that most families weren't too fond of Slytherins because of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. The problem was I didn't know who "He" was. I had overheard Alice talking about him once and when I asked she said that I would find out when I was older. My father never told me either because he concluded that I was too young to handle the information. I made up my mind that whoever he was, he wasn't good. My mind ran back to the idea of Alice and my parents. They weren't evil people so being in Slytherin wasn't a problem for me, but if I was in any other house I was sure that my father would be upset. I wanted to make him happy, but confusion ran through my mind. Did I truly want to be a Slytherin?

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