Chapter 9

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Dedicated Chapter Song: Bloody Mary - New Year's Day

Don't trip following my footsteps, or you'll be up to your neck in regrets.

      Levi woke unpleasantly to his clothes all over his room, though Anna nor her garbs were anywhere to be found

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Levi woke unpleasantly to his clothes all over his room, though Anna nor her garbs were anywhere to be found. "Damn brat. Couldn't be bothered to clean up the mess she helped make?" He mumbled and grabbed his filthy laundry, tossing it into his basket and grabbing a fresh shirt and set of pants. "Dammit...where did I leave it?" He mumbled, his narrow eyes scouring the floor.

Anna giggled as she pulled her hair down in front of her eyes a bit. "I think this is his only one." She laughed to Hanji. "How did you even get ahold it?" She asked over breakfast. "That's not important. What's important is that I made it out alive. I could've tried to snatch up his cleaning products, but I'm not THAT suicidal." She placed her hands on her hips, beaming at herself in the reflection of a steel pitcher. "I think I make a good female Levi, don't you think?"

"You're too happy." Eren pointed out. Anna removed her smile from her face and crossed her arms. "Shut up, you shitty brat or you'll be cleaning my office for a month!" She hissed, tightening the cravat around her neck a bit. "Perfect!" Rose beamed, flashing her Scouts jacket. "No way! You joined?!" Anna smiled brightly.

"Duh. I can't let you get killed with how ruthless you are." Rose stated. "Plus, I've gotta keep an eye on Jean of course." She winked.

"KASAHARA!" Levi's voice shouted from across the courtyard. "Shit! Hide!" Rose gasped. Anna ducked behind some empty barrels and crates as Levi stormed the mess hall, angrily holding the doors open. "Where is she?!"

"Where is who?" Hanji innocently asked. "Don't play dumb, four eyes. Where is Anna? She stole something of mine!" Hanji tried not to laugh as everyone pretended not to notice the missing piece of fabric around his neck. "What did she steal?"

"Are you seriously that blind?" He shook his head. "You know I have poor eyesight, Levi." Hanji replied. "My cravat! That damn minx stole it from me!"

Anna came up with a brilliant plan, stepping out from the boxes. "Oi, shitty glasses, who is this maggot?" She said, impersonating Levi's voice as best as she could. Rose grinned, going along with it. "Captain Leah," she grinned, making Levi want to punch her in the throat. "Isn't this the new recruit, Andrew Kasahara?"

Anna glanced at Levi, and could see how close he was to ripping out her vocal chords. "How disappointing. I would have thought the Military Police would have sent me a cadet worth my time." She dismissively waved her hand. "Jaeger, show our guest to their room in the cellars. It's the only available space we have now."

Even Eren went along with it, quickly standing to his feet. "Y-Yes, heichou!" He went over to Levi, who swiftly kicked him in the stomach. "Don't come near me." He warned as Eren groaned and clutched to his stomach. Anna simply looked down at Eren. "Pick yourself up, Eren. And, yes, that's an order."

"So, you think you can be a better Captain than me? You've got no idea what it's like to be in my shoes." Levi told her. Anna smirked. "Perhaps not, but it was fun while it lasted." She untied the cravat and handed it back to him. "By the way, it's soaked in perfume by now. Hope you enjoy rewashing it to get the stench out." She turned back to Rose. "Right. You're officially one of us now, huh?"

"You're still not." Rose pointed out, making Anna frown. "You didn't have to go and remind me." Rose tilted her head. "Anymore progress?" Anna toed the floor and shook her brown head. "None so far. I've been reading books and researching into my diary. Nothing new other than a hallucination or two last night. Today everything has been quiet. Too quiet, in fact."

"Don't worry about it so much," Rose beamed. "Once we get you out into the field tomorrow you'll probably be remembering things left and right." She proudly placed her hands on her hips as Anna tucked her hair behind her ears to rid herself of the Levi-like hairstyle. "Are you so sure about that? What if I get hurt?"

"Then I'll step in for you. Eren and I under orders by Hanji to only use our Titan powers if it'll benefit you or any of our other friends." Rose explained as Anna took a seat, resting her head on a hand. "I wish I wasn't so much of a burden to everyone."

"What do you mean by that?Who said that you're a burden?!"
Levi demanded. "No one needs to say it," Anna grumped. "I just know. Intuition and all that shit."

"Cheer up, doll!" Rose hugged her. "We love you to the bitter end. Meaning we'll do whatever it takes to make sure you get out alive. Got that?" Anna huffed. "Yeah..." She stood up. "Come on. Mikasa and you were supposed to be training me today." She glumly walked out the door.

"What did you do?" Levi asked as Rose asked the exact same question. "It wasn't me!" Rose replied while Levi said "I didn't do anything!". "Then why is she acting like that?!" Levi stomped his foot. Rose shrugged. "I don't know! I'm trying to help her! Is it some significant date for her?"
"Not that I know of." Levi shook his head.

Anna trudged up the wooden steps to Levi's office again, shoving the door open. While snooping around early that morning she'd found something that was obvious Levi was trying to hide. She pushed aside the light bookcase in the office and reached for the silk fabric behind it, pulling out a blue and gold dress with beautiful gems covering it. Her eyes shimmered as she held the dress close to her.

"Lavenders green...dilly dilly... Lavenders blue..." She sang as she laid the dress in her lap and looked as it matched the sketch of the wedding dress in her journal. "If you love me, dilly dilly... I will love you..."


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