Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*two months later*
“You have a WHAT?!” Rachel yelled.
I sighed. I had just told her about Tay. It was fall break and I was about to have all the time in the world to talk to him. Needless to say, I was rather giddy. “I have a best friend that I met on the internet,” I repeated.
“What the heck, Hannah?? … he hot?”
I shot her a look and laughed in spite of myself, “I don’t know! We haven’t exchanged photos or anything... He is really shy about his looks.”
“Then how do you know he’s not like fifty and a total pervert??”
“Well I don’t for sure I suppose. But he doesn’t know where I live or what I look like, so it wouldn’t matter. For all he knows, the fifty year old pervert could be ME!”
“Good point,” she conceded. “So... what’s he like??”
I smiled softly. “He is amazing,” I replied shrugging.
“Youuuuuu like him,” she stated matter-o-factly.
“Noooo,” I denied quickly. “We’re best friends!”
“Mmmmmmhm,” she rolled her eyes.
Did I? Great, Rach. Now I’m second guessing my ‘totally platonic feelings for him’.

That evening, I was texting Jeff trying to figure out a way to get Austin off Rachel’s case (he was being quite persistent, which confused us since he showed no evidence of liking her for real—she was just attractive new meat to him) and to get Rachel onto Will’s. I was fairly positive she liked Will, but she wasn’t going to make a move towards him when it seemed like to her that she had a better chance of dating Austin... which honestly made sense if I thought about it.

Jeff: “So what do we need to do?”

Me: “I don’t really know... I think Will is the problem. If he would go after her, I’m pretty sure she’d stop even looking at Austin...”

Jeff: “Ugh but he won’t as long as she seems to like Austin even the slightest bit”

Me: “So. We’re at an impasse....”

Jeff: “Unless....”

Me: “.....unless?”

Jeff: “Unless we get Austin to flirt with someone else thereby showing Rachel that he really is a worthless dumbass player (as far as girls are concerned at least) and then she will more than is likely stop speaking to him and shit thus making it possibly for Will to go after her himself!”

Me: “Brilliant but who is this oh so wonderful third party Austin is supposed to flirt with?”

Jeff: “You.”

I dropped my phone in surprise. ME?! Austin Tyler would never even LOOK at me to flirt with me, and I told Jeff as much.

Jeff: “Oh shut up girl you don’t give yourself enough credit!”

Me: “And you need glasses. He goes for thin, blue eyed beauties. Not chunky, brown eyed nerds.”

Jeff: “-_- there is so much wrong with that message I don’t even have a reply. Biotch you are gawgeous. Hell I’d date you if I didn’t have Ashton!”

Me: “Oh whatever, dummy.”

I tossed my phone on my bed and glanced over at my open Macbook. I had three new chats from Tay. I scrambled to open Skype.
toolatetogoback: “today hasn’t been good”

toolatetogoback: “Hannah?”

toolatetogoback: “baby, are you there?”

My heart skipped at the last one. He called me “baby”.... ohmygod.

bluebird: “Hey! yeah I’m here sorry I wasn’t paying attention to my computer!”

I hesitated. Should I address the term of endearment? I bit my lip and decided to go for it.

bluebird: “‘baby’? ;)”

toolatetogoback: “lol sorry I kinda panicked after I hit send on that one... wasn’t sure how you’d take it...”

bluebird: “I don’t mind! I’m kind of a fan of endearments anyway... I usually let them slip out all the time! I’ve been trying to control them though... ever since I called my English Comp teacher ‘cupcake’.....”


I chuckled at the memory. It had been so embarrassing. The whole class and cracked up... but they thought I was just being badass and sarcastic. Totally not my personality. Okay, maybe a little bit, but my teacher fortunately just laughed it off and called me ‘pumpkin’ in return, which seems to have become my permanent name with her.

bluebird: “Oh hush. ;)”

toolatetogoback: “you’re adorable.”

bluebird: “Awww shucks stop :P”

toolatetogoback: “;) it’s true. but seriously.. thank you...”

bluebird: “For what??”

toolatetogoback: “making me smile for the first time today....”

bluebird: “Awwwww.... I’m glad I could help, honey....”

toolatetogoback: “you always do, sweetheart. :)”

I smiled to myself. Ugh this boy was on his way to making me care more about him than I had ever cared for anyone, romantic or platonic.


I know this is short too, but I'm trying to keep updating! The chapters will get longer!! :)

I Met My Best Friend On the Internet (a Taylor Lautner Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now