The invitation

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Leaning back into the lounge, Hermione shuffled through the mail. "Bill, bill, bill," she muttered. "Oh, a letter from Mum and Dad." She discarded the bills before carefully opening the letter. It read;

Dear Hermoine,

Grandmother Ethel is turning 70 and you are expected to be there, I know you hate your cousins and your Aunts and Uncles but you have to come. Louisiana sent the invitation to me to send to you because she doesn't know where you live, it has all the details. 

Hermoine sighed as she read the letter.

"Dearest Hermoine," She mocked.

"Your grandmother is turning 70 and we are having a party at the Emerald Lioness. We would love for you to attend but most importantly your grandmother would love for you to attend. It has been so long since we last saw you with you going to a prestigious boarding school and all. May 15th Until May 25th.

Love Aunty Louisiana and Uncle Marcus."

"Yeah I bet you'd like me there, so you can mock my "singleness" and my hair and my "poor-ness' and lack of fashion sense because you're insensitive brats that don't like me because I'm smarter than your children who barely know left from right, and the only reason they do is because they have a special bracelet that literally says right that stays on their right hand." She groaned. "But of course, I have to go because its Grandmother Ethel and I will die of guilt if I don't. But either way, it'd be torture because no one from Dad's side of the family is nice to me as they're all selfish stuck up snobs that are lacking a brain because money can't buy that!"

Draco walked down the stairs carefully. "Hermoine?" He asked tentatively. "What's wrong."

Hermione turned around on the lounge to looked up at her husband. "I have to go to my Grandmothers birthday," She groaned.

He frowned. "Don't you love your grandmother?"

"Of course I do! " Hermione replied indignantly. "I don't like the rest of my extended family." Hermione paused. "I mean I guess it would be nice to see Amber, Max and Adrien again but other than them, I hate them."

"I'm sure you've handled worse," Draco offered. 

Hermione sighed. "I'm going to forgive you because you've never met them but to put it into context for you, one of my aunts is basically Rita Skeeter and the other is basically Umbridge."

Draco scrunched his nose. "That bad huh? When is it? I'd love to go with you." Draco jumped over the back of the lounge and flopped next to his wife. 

Hermione shot him a look. "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that?" When the only response she got from her husband was a cheeky smile she answered his question. "It's the fifteenth to the twenty-fifth at, get this, the Emerald Lioness." She cackled. 

Draco winced.

"What? Why aren't you laughing?" 

"I have a meeting." He admitted. "If I could reschedule I would but I can't."

Hermoine sighed, "It's fine, I'll be fine. It's probably better that you don't go. Gosh if they saw you they'd be unbearable."

"I should be back on the nineteenth though. I'll get there as soon as I can." Draco kissed Hermione's cheek. 

Hermione smiled. "You'll be there for most of it then." Hermione laughed. "That'll be interesting." She gazed up at her husband. "I think I'll keep you a secret."

Draco put his arm around her shoulders. "Why would you do that?" 

Hermione grinned, mischief gleaming in her brown eyes. "Oh I don't know, just might be nice to wipe that stupid look off their faces. Show them who really has the power now."

"Careful." Draco gave her shoulders a quick squeeze. "You're becoming more and more like me every day." 

"Or maybe you're only just seeing this side of me," she challenged. "I've been having harmless fun for years."

Draco let out a low laugh. "Come to think of it you've always been around trouble.  Potter and the Weasly's influence no doubt." 

"I'd be lying if I said they didn't teach me a thing or two." Hermione stood picking up the bills and the letters from her family. "I'm going to call my parents, let them know I'm coming." 

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