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POV Dayanara.

A tear rolled down my face as I stared at the tombstones infront of me. Last year, I lost both of my parents. My pack followed soon after.

"Come dear, let's go." My aunt Riley said. "It's too cold for Daniel to stay out here."

"You're probably right." I nodded as I stared at the little baby in my arms.

"Are you sure you want to keep him?" She asked as we walked out of the woods.

"He has no one." I sighed.

"Honey, you're only thirteen." She said. "You don't have to do this."

"I have to, I am the alpha. And even though there are only a dozen people left, I will do everything I can to protect them." I stated determined.

"If that's what you want." She nodded. "I guess it's just the three of us now."

Aunt Riley's mate died six months ago because of a rogue attack. The rogues killed nearly everyone. But they let Daniel live, he was crying in his crib when I found him.

** Five years later **

I curled up on my bed. Aunt Riley passed away three years ago and left me alone with my step uncle, Stan. She married him so I wouldn't be left behind.

Not long after she passed away, Stan started to get abusive. I brought Daniel away as soon as I could, I didn't want him to get hurt in any way.

There were days when Stan would starve me and beat me that I couldn't walk anymore. Today was one of those days. I hadn't eaten in days and the beatings wouldn't stop.

I couldn't even shift anymore because my wolf was traumatized and too weak. It felt like she was in some sort of coma.

I used to pray to the Moon Goddess that my mate would come to safe me. But I gave up that hope a long time ago.


POV Alexander.

"Alexander Rodrigo Kingston! Get up! It's time for school!" My beta, Gabriel, yelled while throwing my blanket on the floor.

"Gabriel, I'm the Alpha remember? You can't boss me around." I chuckled.

"Yeah, but I'm here on behalf of your mother." He smirked as my eyes widened. "So I'd get up if I were you. Before she comes here to get you out herself."

"You're bluffing." I shook my head, my black hair falling onto my eyes.

"Alexander Kingston!" My mother's voice yelled while footsteps were heard.

"Am I?" Gabriel smirked smugly, his brown eyes glinstered with mischief.

"Alpha or not, I am your mother!" She slammed my bedroom door open. "And if I say get up, you better get up." She said while grabbing my ear.

"Mom, mom, mom." I winced in pain. "I don't wanna go to school."

"We're going to the human school, remember?" My Gamma, Mateo, stepped into the room. His black shirt in contrast with his blonde hair as his blue eyes sparkled.

"Why?" I whined.

"Because you and those other morons are abusing your powers." My mom scolded. "Skipping school, then skipping detention. Well guess what? Not anymore. This school has a human principal."

"There are other werewolf students though." My dad said. "And you have half an hour to get there. It's a twenty minute drive so hurry up."

I rolled my eyes and headed towards my bathroom. I took a quick shower and threw on some black jeans, a white shirt and my leather jacket. I looked in the mirror and my electric blue eyes stared back at me.

I shoved my feet into my black Vans and walked out the door. "Gabriel, Mateo, let's go!" I yelled and walked down the steps to the garage.

We all got in my black Range Rover and I drove out of the garage. "I'm still jealous of this car." Gabriel sighed as he ran his hand over the dashboard.

"You're allowed to drive my Camaro and my Porsche, stop whining." I shook my head.

"I won't until I drove this one." He stated. "Is that the school?"

"I guess." Mateo shrugged.

"So humans and wolves from the neighboring pack?" I asked and both of them nodded.

"Let's go." Mateo said as we got out. "There are the others." He pointed to a group.

"Dana came too?" I groaned.

"Yeah, so did Anna." Gabe rolled his eyes.

The humans stared at us as we walked in. We went to the office with confident strides. After we got out schedules and locker numbers, we went to class.

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