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//get ready for tears... ~~~~(>_<)~~~~


"since when (y/n)?",
he asked with a smile on his face.

"i... he... he just... i fell for him...
i don't know when... it just.
t... tae...", i reached out my hand to him.

he then cut me off by saying,
"it's okay, (y/n). after all,
i just want your smiling face."

"tae... no. we can still be friends."

"no (y/n). if i were to stay friends
with you, i will not be able to
control myself. if i can't be yours then...
it is better off if we aren't
friends at all."

after saying that he gave me a
warm smile and walked away.

"t... tae... n... no...", i
slumped on the floor and
broke out in tears.


i continued to smile.
what is wrong with you taehyung?!

i could hear her sobs.
i could see the pain in her eyes.
the pain of losing a best friend.

before i knew it my cheeks were wet
with tears and my breathing thickened.

i had a tight feeling in my chest when i grabbed it.

"pabo... taehyungie pabo... pabo...",
i clutched my heart and cried as i banged
by back on the lockers.

"pabo... stupid heart...",
i hit my chest hard.

"taehyung?", i heard a voice.

"n... noona...",
i went up to my sister and cried on
her shoulder as she rubbed my back.

"it hurts...",
i sobbed on her shoulder.

"i know.", she whispered.

"aigoo... you're all grown up
and yet your crying like a baby. let's go
home eh?", she then said.

i nodded and gave her a half smile as
i wiped away my tears.

"taehyungie pabo... you hurt (y/n) when
you promised you would never."

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