School trip ❤️

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Malcom's PoV
Today was the day the school went to Paris. We were all so excited. Ariana was sat with me on the coach, she had her head laid on my shoulder and she was fast asleep. I was bored but there was no way I would wake her up just to keep me company. "Hey man" Kai says to me from in front "Hey" I say, I have made so many friends now and it makes me feel welcome. I still spend most my time with Ariana tho because she's like the best thing that's ever happens to me.

"Your girl is cute when she sleeps" Kai says and I smile "I know" I say "who you staying in a room with" he asks "I don't know I haven't been told" I say "neither" he says. I don't get to stay with Ariana because girls and boys aren't aloud to be with each other. I do suppose that if we were to choose I would choose her, she's funny and she entertains me and I know I'll miss her even though we can still see each other.

I hope I was in a room that I like as well because there's no way I wanna be in the room with the lads that are horrible to Ariana, I couldn't sit there and listen to them slag my girl off.

We arrive at the airport and I wake Ariana up. "Baby" I whisper in her ear and she opens her eyes and runs them and smiles at me "we're at the airport" I say and she nods standing up and we vacate the coach.

We stand in our groups luckily me and Ari were in the same group, this means that all our activities we will be together. We also had Lauren, Shannon and Ava as well as Kai James and Dylan. That was a pretty good group because we all liked each other and me and Ari and Lauren and Dylan were together. I had my best friend and Ariana had hers. Our group leader was Miss McGrath. I know Ariana will hate that because she's her form tutor and she doesn't really like her.

We board the flight and sit in our groups. Ariana looks at me and pecks my lips, before settling back down into her seat and we set off. I do suppose the only good thing about having Miss McGrath was the fact she couldn't care less what we did.

Ariana POV
The flight was unbearably long, Malcom kept me company the whole time, I was glad about the group tho because I like them all and we're all like best friends since is like out friendship group.

Once this boring plane ride had finished we got on a coach to take us to the hotel room. We arrive and the head stops us. We were all excited. "Right there is a room for 8 people and all of you have a group of 8 who would like to stay as a group and you have to have a reason why." He says and we all get together.

"Group 3 do you want that room and why" he asks "we would like that room so that I it's cold we can get warmer" Florence says. "Group 4" god he does this in a wired order "so we can talk about stuff" they say. After every group and all there excuse one was so they can slag people off. "And finally group 1" he says "we would like that room because we are all very close with each other and we know we wouldn't argue" Ava says "very well group 1 gets that room" and we all smile and make out way up to that room.

We get in and there all double beds and we cheer. "Right Lauren, Dylan, Ariana and Mac you get to share but we have to have a plan because of your not really meant to" Shannon says and we nod "well there's 2 double beds and 4 single just say that We didn't mind sharing or that youse wanted the single" we say and they nod "omg we even get 2 showers and a toilet in this room" they say and we all look. "Fuck sharing the bathroom with someone" I say and they laugh.

After putting our stuff down Miss McGrath came in "Right some rules" she says and we all sign and sit up. "I don't care who sleeps with who but no noise passes 12, I don't care what you get up to in the bed" she says and we all nod "you can choose your own bed time just don't complain if your tired" she says and we nod.

She walks out and we all laugh, "we do have a good leader" I say "yh I bet other people have bed times" Shannon says.

We all sit around talking about the others that were in different room. I was actually glad that we go the big room because one were all together and I was actually having fun as a group and not just individuals.

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