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*Noahs POV*

So, I'm not sure what changed in life, but everything took a turn for me. It wasn't bad either. Theres a purpose to live now. I met the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I don't know how to start this, so we will just start from what I thought was the "worst day" of my life.


I toss my bag beside my desk as I plop down in my chair. I sigh, dreading the day ahead of me. I'm in science, I hate science it's stupid. Anyways, you probably wanna know who I am right? Ok, Im Noah. Noah Smith. I live with my mom Tiffany and my little brother Dominic. I'm not really "popular" but people love talking about me. Like, a total outcast is what I am....a better word for it....emo I guess. Black skinny jeans with holes, stripped jacket, and converse. I'm pretty bori-

"Noah!" I glance up seeing everybody staring at me. I raise an eyebrow at my teacher like I'm asking "what?" He just sighs and shakes his head.

"Your pairing with Adam" w-wait Adam! He is one of the biggest ass holes in this school. I look over at Adam. He has a pissed off look. The feeling is mutual buddy. I just shake my head glancing down at my paper, looking at my doodles of little angels and devils. I shut my notebook and stand up walking over to Adam's desk pulling out the chair. I slump down in the seat as the teacher calls out other pairs, these two girls giggle when they get paired with each other. I look at Adam and he sighs opening his binder.

"So, what are we doing? Cause I wasn't paying attention." he shoots me a glance of surprise, I guess because I spoke. People always complain because I don't talk, but why talk if there is no need to.

"Really? you never pay attention fag." And there he goes. The first thing he says to me is something stupid. I don't really care though I'm used to it. I smirk and flip my hair.
"you know I'm only a fag for you baby" I smile at the disgusted look on his face and he scrunches up his nose.
"fuck you!" I frown and cross my arms over my stomach, slumping against the chair.
"So, really what are we doing?" He looks at me and sighs, obviously disappointed. He explains things to me and I slowly nod my head not understanding a bit of it. Science just isn't my thing.

The bell rings and Adam stands up quickly mumbling something under his breathe. I glance up at him.
"what time do you want me to come over?" Adam glances at me quickly.


"We both hate each other. So the quicker we get this over the better. Right?" he just looks at me confused and looks away thinking for a minute.

"Fine, but it's gonna have to be at your house ok."

"Cool" I toss my bag over my shoulder and watch Adam rush out the door. I pull out my phone turning some BMTH on, ignoring the world with my headphones. I watch my feet go infront of one another as I walk down the hall way avoiding contact with anybody else. I dont have any friends honestly. I have people who talk to me sometimes, but I don't really consider them my friends. I head to lunch, sitting down laying my head against the table. I never really eat that much. I scroll through my phone waiting for the bell to ring.


Ok, I didn't really know where to go with the end of this XC I'm sowwie but I can't wait to get farther in the story. Sorry this one is so short and confusing probably. ^~^

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