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*Adams POV*

Forth block ends and I laugh telling my friend Josh bye. I head over to my locker but I notice someone leaning against it. I glance up from my phone and see Noah. I scrunch up my nose and walk over to him. "What the hell do you want?" I shove him out of the way of my locker and throw my shit in. I slam my locker and look at Noah. He still hasn't said anything. I raise a eyebrow at him and he just looks at me. He rarly smiles I have noticed.

"Hey fag?" He glances up at me quickly and frowns before his face goes empty again.

"Am I giving you a ride to my house?" Ah shit...I forgot about that...

"Uh, yea. Sure I guess" he nods slowly and walks off. What the hell is his problem. I sigh and follow him. People glance at me strange. Ugh I really need to get this over with..

We make it outside and he walks up to black caviler. I scrunch up my nose as I watch him get in. I walk over and get in beside him. He looks at me and smirks putting his hands on the wheel.

"Hey baby"

"Shut the fuck up...can you just hurry please" he chuckles and starts the car. Pulling the gear shift out of park into drive. I sigh and look out my window. This fucking sucks.

*Noahs POV*

Im on the back road to my house. My heart is racing. This asshole hasn't said one thing the whole way. I grip the wheel as I pull up into my driveway. I sigh and glance over at Adam who is already jumping out of the car. I blink and turn off the engine, getting out of the car and locking the doors. I walk up to the door and open it allowing Adam in first. He just walks in and I walk in after him.

"Hey honey, how was school" my mom yells from the kitchen. I slightly blush.

"Uh, good. I brought a friend over." shes out of the kitchen in a second and greeting Adam.

"Oh! Thats great. Hi Im Noahs mom" she gives him a warm smile. he smiles back and thanks her.

"Ok...well, we need to get to work" I make my way upstairs as my mom giggles.

"Ok honey" she smiles and heads back into the kitchen fussing at my little brother for eating the food before the rest was done.

I open my door and blush. I didnt realize my room was such a mess. I have a few shirts scattered on the floor, my bed unmade.

"Cool poster, I like greenday" I glance at Adam who is sitting down on my bed. Why do I feel so giddy. I clear my throat and tug at my sleeve.

"So where are we gonna start?" his voice suprised me I looked up and met his eyes. He was just staring at me, I raise a eyebrow

"what asshole!" I snap. He looks at me confused.

"I just asked you a question" I slightly blush.

"O-oh sorry. I don't know" He sighs in frustration and my heart pounds. I watch him for a minute as he runs his hand through his shaggy blonde hair. He looks up at me and my eyes lock on his, it's like an ocean, so blue and bright. I shake my head.

"what the hell are u doing faggot" hes looking at me so confused. This was such a bad idea....

*Adam's POV*

I run my hand through my hair and look up at Noah. Hes just looking at me. He looks so vulnerable, soft pink lips, dark brown eyes. WHAT THE HELL! What am I thinking, I shut my eyes tightly. What is wrong with me, Im not a fag! "What the hell are u doing faggot!" I honestly didn't mean to yell I was just so pissed off and confused at my self.
There was a long silence before we actually began our project.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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