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        'when you walk my way hope it gives yo-'      

I slap my hand randomly on my alarm clock and hit the off button I get up and walk to my laid out clothes. A tee shirt Dallas Cowboys crop top, navy blue joggers. A pair of white Nike sneakers. A little red lipstick and some concealer.

    I walk down the stairs to see all lights off and Granny May's door closed. She's still asleep. I don't blame her she has a night shift. I grab a granola bar off the table and grab all is my skate board from the entry way along with my backpack. I go outside and start on my way to hell, I mean school, no I mean hell.
    _______skip ride there_______

    I get to the school gate, jump off my skateboard, and walk into the parking lot. It was colder today than it was yesterday, but then again we received a cold front last night so I guess it was expected. I just wish it was warmer especially since I had ridden so fast to school today my face was red and wind bitten. My nose was most definitely red. Put down my skate board and kicked off eager to reach the
school enternce and get inside to the warmth of the heater.

I cautiously ride, weaving in between groups of high schoolers. Non of the really noticed, but then again who would I try to leave myself like a ghost around here. Not because I am nerdy, because I am an extrovert, a non social butterfly, a people hater. Yeah, but I do have a selection of people I do talk to, or at least tolerate, more than the others.

I would have to say my selected few are a group of four misfitted teens who honestly would never have been seen together if it weren't for the luck of all of our parents being friends. I mean come to think of it I might be the only extroverted person in the group.

Honestly I don't hate socializing I just don't like the people that try to socialize with me. I have nothing against the social community just the people in the social community. You know what I am going to shut up know. Not like it will last long.

Oh shut it.


I just have a lot to say about a lot of thing. Anyways I am close to-


I found myself laying on the concrete. Luckily I think I only have a few scraped and bruises. I looked around to see what I crashed into. Turns out I should have been asking who. And the who was a broad shouldered guy, he wasn't skinny, but he wasnt ripped, he was in the middle. He had dark hair and it has messy hair look, but it looks good. I quickly ran from the crash site.

    With my skateboard under my arm I bolted to my locker. I opened it stuffed my skateboard in exchange for my books for first period, or homeroom.
"Hermet Crab what's poppin'" I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around and laugh my ass off. Ryan Hemming, my best friend, cut his hair so it was slightly puffy and swished.

   "RH you watch to much Logan Paul for your own good." I said shaking my head. "But, nice hair cut buddy did a good job on it." I said nodding in a approval. "I am slightly up set though." He said frowning slightly. "Why?" I ask. "Well I told my hair dresser to make sure not to buzz cut the sides of my head. But, he did anyway." He said with a huff as he crossed his arms.

  If you haven't figured it out Ryan is as straight as Ariana Grande's brother, luckily he is more subtle about it. Like if you were have a conversation with him you wouldn't have guessed. If you saw him in the hall you wouldn't have guessed. He isn't in the closet anymore, actually  he is pretty open about it, but he says 'if no one asks why answer' which apparently means if no one asks him about it he doesn't talk about it.

     "Hailey Lee ready for hell to began." I heard another voice say. I turn and see Michel Orlando, my relatively good friend. "Yeah but at least  Candice Compton hasn't appeared yet." RH and Micheal flinched at the name and I honestly don't blame them. Her mom was an angel and her daughter, Yeah she was a devil reincarnated.

    "You spoke of Satan and now she appears." Someone whispered in my ear I whip around to see my only girl I can tolerate longer than a second, Taylor Clayton, she is literally the only girl who I can despise my gender with. Only because the mutual hate we have for the girls who make our gender stereotypical.

  "What where?" I ask then I hear it The Heels. That is the name for our schools mean girls, and because you can hear there heels clicking from a mile or two away. It is made up of Clair Hangston, The Dumb one, Macy Gray The Smart one, and Candice Compton, The Regina George. It was mean girls except new girls where always warned to stay away from "their men" and to stay out of the way.

   Well, apparently I was their main target today because they where walking over to us. Honestly the clicking was kinda annoying. "Hey, Hazel." She said. Well more like gritted through a locked teeth to good to be true smile. "It's Hailey." I grit through Well clenched teeth. She rolls her eyes and looks at the other two girls. Who were currently flirting with seniors.

    "Whatever, anyways I was just wondering where the idea for that ugly outfit came from. I mean come on a garbage bag looks better than that." She said looking me up and down then shaking her head in disapproval.

  "I don't  see anything wrong with it, I mean at least it doesn't scream 'I'm desperate for sex so here is cleavage and ass'." I say, it wasn't that clever but it shut her up. "At least I'm not a virgin." She said as her clever come back. "Oh sweetie who said I was." I said in a motherly tone she stayed quite for a while. "Now listen here I am done with your shit so instead of worrying about my outfit, and virginity status you worry about your unibrow and mustache." She touches her upper lid and the in between part of you eyebrow. I laugh and head to class. But the thing a hear nexts slightly scared me. "Listen, I will make your life a living hell, to the point of begging I your knees for mercy. I will ruin you." She yelled after me. Which just made me walk faster.

••••••••••• (Words: 1238)
Hey you guys,
What's up, because I am ecstatic for this to go out!  I am pretty writing AL of the first five!! It is exciting and if I can stay on top of things than maybe I can keep up with the previous writing thing..

Today was hectic I had to help prepare for Thanksgiving tomirrow , which is today for you.

Don't be a silent reader!


Love you lots,

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