Chapter Two

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It takes thirty seconds for her to reply.

Calm down, Derek's not a werewolf.

Then why is he in this video? How do they have footage of him running through the woods?!

How many fake videos are produced each year?

I don't know. Hundreds?

Exactly. Derek is innocent.

But what if he isn't?

Do you think he's a werewolf?

Well... no.

There you go.

With a sigh, I drop my phone on the bed. "Lydia, you are mad."

I close the laptop and throw it onto the bottom of the bed before falling back into my pillow. What now? I roll over and check my phone. 5:47. Great.

I unlock the phone and call the only other person I feel like talking to.

"Hello?" She talks quickly and I hear a low buzz in the background.

"Hey, Tracy! What are you doing tonight?"


"Who else would it be?"

"Right. Tonight?" She pauses. "I'm kind of busy tonight. But maybe later this week..."

I groan. "That's what everyone's been saying to me! Please, Tracy?"

"Sorry, I can't get out of this. But I think there's a concert happening at school. You could go to that."

"A room full of people I hardly talk to. Thanks, Trace."

"It's all I've got. Sorry, Emma."

"It's fine. I'll see you later."

"Yeah. Bye." She says before hanging up.

Should I go to the concert? I've got nothing better to do... why not? What's the worst that can happen?

I slip on a jacket and put on my converse and I'm all set. I grab my house key and walk to the lobby when the doorknob starts to shake. I take a step back and wait until the door opens.

A moment later, Mom walks in with her black purse. She jolts back as soon as she sees me.

"Oh! Hi, Emma!" She says, straightening. She sets her purse by the front door and runs her hands along the front of her shirt.

"Hey, Mom." I toss the key up and catch them with my other hand. "I'm going to the school concert to meet up with some friends."

"So you do have a social life." She chuckles.

"Mom!" I playfully slap her on the arm. "Shut up!"

"Yeah, yeah." She gestures to the door. "Have fun and walk home with someone."

"Will do!" I'm halfway out the door when she stops me.

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