Roads Filled With Good Intent Part 3

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 "I'll get ready. Be ready to guide me in five. " Oliver told her and hung up.

Sam had heard Oliver's phone go off. In an attempt to distract himself from the thoughts going around in his head he had turned and watched Oliver. He saw his fists clench and his face go blank but his eyes had filled with anger. It had to be something serious. Sam turned the car off, walked around to the back of the car and popped the trunk. They had left the shotguns in the trunk and he had some rounds for them that weren't filled with salt. He needed to get back into the action and he owed Oliver. He closed the trunk , leaned against it and looked at Oliver.

"Problems?" he asked

"Yes, but nothing I can't handle. " Oliver's voice was deeper and more intent.

"Then why are you so angry? Is it the super soldiers?"

Damn all these people that could read him like a book Oliver thought, "You're not ready for a fight, your control is too shaky still. I need to get going." Oliver turned to head into the club.

Sam just turned and walked with him.

"Sam, I'm serious. Right now you're a liability."

"I will say this one time and one time only. You and Dig said you see me as family. Family doesn't abandon family. Dig's not here and from that look on your face I am guessing he's too far away to get to wherever it is you need to be fast enough. So that leaves me. I'll follow your lead but I am not letting you get into a situation where I am stuck telling Felicity that you're injured or dead. So I'm coming. I'll be fine. We can take the Impala, you can lay down in the back. There's no way that car can be traced back to you. Besides, there's shotguns in the back. You know you need backup so stop arguing with me about it." Sam's tone was rock solid. Oliver knew he was right too. He needed the backup.

"Fine, but don't kill anyone. SWAT is on the way. I am trying to build some sort of trust with them, there's someone on the force that I work with sometimes. They don't know my identity but they know I am trying to do the right thing. We get there, try to stop whatever is going on and see if we can track them back to their headquarters or find out what they are up to."

"Got it. Do you have any extra shotgun shells? I have a few but most of them are loaded for demons and spirits," Sam asked

"Yes," Oliver said, he punched the code into the keypad and walked in. Sam was not at all prepared for what Arrow HQ looked like. It was spotless, there were several computer monitors all clustered around a chair. That must be Felicity's usual spot, Oliver's suit was encased in display case made of glass. It looked like a museum show piece. Seeing it in good lighting he saw just how much detail and planning had gone into the making of it. There was stand that held his bow and arrows. Sam saw machinery for making and sharpening arrowheads, a wooden trunk and a workout area with some workout gear Sam had never seen. He doubted Oliver was in the mood for a guided tour though. As he watched Oliver gather all his gear and suit up he saw the switchover in personality occur. It fascinated him that as Oliver got dressed into a suit that was supposed to hide his identity, that his real nature and identity came into being. His movements became more focused, more fluid, it seemed to Sam that the Oliver he had known up until now was the disguise. This Oliver, the hunter, the vigilante, the survivor, that was who Oliver really was. His torments and trials on the island had honed his man into something more, something in some ways almost superhuman.

As Oliver finished suiting up he pointed to some boxes in a corner. "The shells are in those boxes. There's other ammo in there as well. Take what you need. Grab an earpiece from over by the monitors. That's where she keeps them." His voice was deeper, rougher and he wasn't even disguising it yet. Oliver turned around in the act of putting his mask on and Sam was almost stopped in his tracks by the sense of menace that radiated off of Oliver.  Sam caught himself slowing his movements as he walked to the boxes that held the ammo, as if he didn't want to attract the attention of the predator that had suddenly appeared. Oliver finished putting on the mask, picked up his bow and quiver of arrows. Sam kept an eye on him, watching as Oliver worked to control the predatory part. When he turned back to face Sam the menace was still there but it had been turned down a notch or two. Sam grabbed the shells, some ammo for other weapons he had and an earpiece. He put it in his ear then he heard Oliver's voice behind him and in his ear at the same time.

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