Chapter 14

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Your POV:

I wake up and notice that I am in the bathroom. I don't know why though, I can't recall the night before. I get up with a headace, I don't think much of it. I am like my mom when it comes to headaches, I have one at least every other day. I walk down stairs to see that hayes is the only one up.

"Good morning babe"

"Morning hassey boo"

"Don't call me that"

He says laughing.

"What time is it?"



"What's wrong y/n?"

"Oh, nothing"

"Your really pale"

"Just a headace"

He nods but it can tell that he's worried. I don't know why though, he knows that I get them all the time.

Hayes POV:

Y/n looks really pale. She says that it is only a headache and I believe her. She gets them like every day. But something isn't right.

I want to surprise her so I decided on a picnic in the park! I am going to make her favorite sandwich, ham and cheese.

I can't wait! That's when I'll ask her out.


"Yes, hassy boo?"

I blush. I must look like an idiot.

"Wanna go to the park?"


"Ok let's go in 30 minutes"


"That's not enough time!"

She says when she walks upstairs. She's so cute. I get working on the picnic basket when she's getting ready.

I finish early so I go upstairs.

Your POV:

I finish my shower and am in the middle of blow drying my hair. When I am done I start using my flat iron. I hate my natural hair. That's when hayes comes in.

"What are you doing?"

"My hair, haha, what does it look like?"

I say with a smile.

"But what's that"

"A flat iron"

"For what though"

I smile and continue to do my hair until it's nice and Straight.

I pull out my make up as I explain a flat iron to hayes.

"You use it to make your hair straight"

"What's that"

"Make up"

"Why, you're beautiful, you don't need it."

No ones ever made me feel Important before hayes.

Hayes grier, my best friendWhere stories live. Discover now