19. Training

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I scrambled off the couch and went into the kitchen. The stove clock read 5:00, I was late. I ran up the stairs to Raven's room and borrowed some shorts and a T-shirt while she was sleeping and changed in the bathroom before hurrying to the front door. I cautiously peeked outside and saw the moon was still up. Last night when I agreed to train with Parker I forgot that the moon would still be up. Maybe I could trick the moon into thinking I'm someone else by shifting into someone else's wolf.

What if I shifted into someone else's human form? Could that even work? I guess it's worth a shot. Since Raven was still inside asleep I could shift into her and the moon won't see both of us.

I pictured Raven in my head and shifted. I looked in a nearby mirror and I looked a bit off but I couldn't tell what.

After failing to figure out what looked wrong I ran outside and to the field where a strong group of people were crowded in front of Parker. I joined them and stood in the back.

"Wow, you actually got up in time Raven." The man next to me whispered to me.

At first I ignored him because My name isn't raven but then I remembered what I looked like, "Oh um... yeah."

Parker was explaining that we were going to run along the borders six times for warm up. Six times! And that's just warm up. I don't even know how big the border is!

"If I catch you walking I get to eat your bacon at breakfast." Parker said and everyone laughed, "Alright, go!"

Everyone took off like a stampede. The guy who had talked to me before stayed beside me. He wasn't as muscular looking like most of the group and his footsteps were silent. There were a few like him, silent, fast, and not as muscular.

"Do you want to go a bit faster? This is a slow even for you." He asked.

Was I going that slow? I was at the back but was keeping up. I wanted to tell him I wasn't raven but decided to keep my cover and see how long until someone noticed.

"Sure." I smiled and picked up my pace. We were going fast enough that we were in about the middle of everyone, I can't imagine how fast the people at the front are going.

We were about three laps in and I was getting really tired. The territory was pretty big but not as big as I imagined it earlier when I was dreading running. I had been keeping up with the man who thought I was Raven but I was starting to slow down and was using energy I didn't have.

"Let's go up in the trees and take a break, we can hop down once the others come around again." The man suggested.

"Okay but if we get caught it was your idea." I responded.

He suddenly disappeared. I stopped running and jumped up to the nearest branch and climbed up higher to the mans level.

After I caught my breath he asked quietly, "Who are you?"

"What? I'm-" I was cut off.

"Don't tell me your Raven. You run, talk, climb differently and your scent is a bit off along with your face being perfectly symmetrical." He switched trees so he was on the same branch as me.

"How did you notice all that?" I asked, that was a long list and I thought I did pretty good.

"I'm trained to notice everything." He replied, "Now tell me who you are."

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