Enslaved to the Shadow King

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I was sitting in my room like I always was until my mother called me down for dinner. I came down the stairs and as I approached the table I noticed my dad wasn't there. I didn't mine he was always drunk and cruel. Me and my mom waited for him, not having much conversation. Soon my dad showed up, for once not smelling like whiskey. We all are in dead silence which wasn't unusual. Then about half way through dinner my dad picked up his steak knife and it seemed like time froze. With six bloody stabs my mother was instantly dead. I was in to much of a shock to let out a scream. I ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs and to my room as fast as I could. Grabbing my metal bat I hid in my closet behind some low hung cloths shutting the door behind me. Every step my father took up the stairs seemed to echo through my mind. I heard him say

"Katie, it's alright....I'm not going to hurt you".

I knew I should Have ran out the front door, but I was so confused, and now it's to late. I was to scared to cry as my father open my bedroom door. I readied my bat as he opened the closet. I tried to swing at him but he just grabbed it and yanked me forward. Then everything else went so fast. He tied me up with bungee cords and threw me in the back seat of his car. I finally knew why his windows where tinted. We drove for awhile until we stopped at a old performance theater. He pulled me out of the back seat and threw me out onto the dyeing lawn. after he talked to a man I managed words out of my mouth

"Whats going to happen to me?"

"Your going to be sold as a slave" He scowled with no regret in his eyes.

He then drove off and left me there to be sold.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2014 ⏰

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