The Black Chat

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One autumn evening, the little black cat was walking down by the champs elysees. He was an ally cat named Jack who had no owner and it was his life long dream to get a human family. Most of the time he acted like he didnt care, the city was his playground. As Jack sat on the edge of the street and watch the cars drive passed and the humans walk by and they would give him funny looks.
Jack would tilt his head and wonder why. So he decided to follow one human. Jack would meow and meow until he got the mans attention and once he did, he was hoping to be picked up and taken care of and be loved forever but today was not the day.
"Urgh, go away you stupid cat I dont need any bad luck tonight."
Jack stopped and tilted his head once more.
"Ya know, curiosity killed the cat." The strange figure said.
"Meow?" The strange figure stood out from the shadows.
"Here have some milk."
Jack was so hungry, he ran over and drank it all.
"Well it wont last for long so dont cause too much troubled and have fun. Oh... um what was it I was supposed to tell you... oh well im sure it wasnt important."
The figure disappeared and left a cat outfit.
"Meo-ok, wait what is this its not meow it's human!"
Jack got up grabbed the cat out fit and jumped onto the roof of a near by house. And put on the oufit.
"Its just like me."
Al through out the night Jack would cause dates to go horrible and power outage over half of the city even the eiffel tower's lights were out. Jack climbed up the tower and yelled out.
"Bad luck for everyone!"
The mysterious figure showed up again and this time he had a sinister gaze apon Jack.
"Looks like you have used up your nine lives time to pay."
And with a click of his fingers everything went back to the way it was. 

"Wait wha-meow." 

Jack was back to a cat but it wasn't over the figure picked up Jack and threw him over the railing.

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