One Faithful Day

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Another day, another surgery that's what life is for me. Standing in the operating theatre preforming surgery on yet another victim. I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Iris, the top nurse in this entire building, and that idiot over there is Omid the Head Surgeon. I hate him so much ever since he gave Chase that promotion that I'm working so hard for. I'm his most loyal friend although that's what he thinks. I have been planning of ways to-

"Iris snap out of it we need to focus on the task at hand." Omid states as he sees me almost cut the patients artery. I look at my watch which says two fifteen.

This is supposed to be a clean easy surgery and I'm about to stuff it up, it's not that hard, I mean I have already killed patients before. I begin to clean up the deep cut with sterile water and a clean cotton bud. Omid walks over to the tray full of medical supplies and picks up the gauze bandage and a pair of scissors. I finish stitching up the wound and move to allow Omid to wrap her leg up. Yes, it's a her and she happens to be the most beautiful object but unfortunately she belongs to Omid. Her name is Demi. As the other nurses take Demi to her designated room, Omid and I walk out of theatre to remove our medical clothing. Omid starts chatting away and I completely zone out.

Now where am I? Yes, I remember, I have been planning of ways to get my revenge. And it seems fate is playing right in my hands. I have an unconscious Demi and an overly trustworthy Omid. I walk out of the operating area and pace towards Demi's room. I grab the file off the door and read it "Patient 143", I believe this is her room. I open the door and see Demi fast asleep, my eyes dart around the room and as the stop on a very enticing syringe full of morphine. Of course it's there for me to tamper with but how should I do this. I could inject one now and Omid could inject a second one without knowing of the first, I could switch the morphine to a stronger sedative or I could leave the morphine and unhook all the wires to the heart monitor which will cause Omid to break down when he walks in. that last one seems exciting to watch but I need to make it as painful for him so I'll take my second idea and put it in motion.

I take the syringe of morphine and walk over to the vile full of 200mg morphine which is very lethal if someone takes too much in a small amount of time, it will kill her within five minutes. I fill a separate syringe and I glance at my watch which reads two thirty. A huge smile breaks out on my face as Omid walks in and I gesture that she is to take her morphine to relieve her of the pain. Omid goes to inject the syringe as Demi wakes up.

"My love where am I? What happened? All I remember is that is was driving and..." Demi is startled by the unfamiliar surroundings.

Omid responds while injecting the morphine, Omid turns to me and asks for a minute alone. I walk out but duck around the corner. I can barely hear what they are saying.

"Demi you're fine ... I know I love you too and I don't want anything to happen to you ..." Omid is reassuring her but it will be by his hand that she dies.

I hear footsteps nearing the door so I turn and make a bee line for the desk where Chase happens to be reviewing a patient's vitals. Omid joins us and I ask,

"How is she?" Omid looks over, "She will be just fine, she was only in a minor car crash."

That's what you think. Poor, clueless, Idiot. I almost feel sorry, oh, who am I kidding like I feel that petty, unneeded feeling.

"Times almost up... that was an accident." I'm getting too excited.

Omid questions to what is almost up. I cover it with my shift ending soon. I glance at my watch and walk back to Demi's room. And I see she has a cold sweat along her head and her breathing is very shallow. I can see she's fading out and has almost.

"3... 2... 1... she's gone, it's flat lining... OMID, Omid come quickly something is wrong."

I see Omid rush into the room and instantly his body turns almost limp but he manages to standing. He is shuffling towards his now deceased partner. With the ringing of the heart monitor in his ears he slouches on the bed picking up Demi's face, tears are flowing. One by one the tears touch her gentle skin but she doesn't flinch or anything for that matter. The colour is draining from her face. I break into a huge smirk knowing that Omid has to live with this for the rest of his life.

"NO, no, no, no, no sweetie you can't, you mustn't, I promised you, I reassured you without a doubt." Omid is trying to believe she is just fainted.

The CPR unit walks in and the hooks her up to the machine.

"Ready, Standing by... CLEAR." No response.

I turn around and walk out the door as I hear Omid cry out.


 Hi my Bookworms, this is the first time Author-Chan has spoken to you all (even though probably no one will read these) how are you liking these One-Shots so far? Good? Bad? 

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Bye all till next Chapter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2018 ⏰

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