You're my water I can't get enough
I shutter in your touch
You're a rose so beautiful and elegant
With thorns so rough and crude
I'm a brute compared to you
With you I feel the need to stay alive
Without you I don't think I can survive
Even without you the world continues to thrive
The love I had for you will never be revived
No one will be able to take your place
You were never one who cared for a chase
But I wish I had chased you to the end of time
As if my life was on the line
Oh, I still remember your grace
Our very last date
There wasn't a single ounce of hate
You told me to stop worrying about the end
I wasn't prepared for when it came
Sometimes when I'm alone I still yell your name
I'm the one to blame
If I never fell for you
Then again that isn't the truth
Even if I known consequences I'll do it again
Because changing it you will be against
Putting up a protest which will prevent me from having rest
But you're dead
Well at least inside my head
I loved you until the very end
It wasn't my fault you were so selfish
But our love I will continue to cherish